Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Youth Camp Was Great!These two months have been a whirlwind of activity. In January, we helped a church in Masindi conduct a teen Youth Camp. First, we worked with 5 different churches around Kampala, and we were able to bring 64 campers. The camp had a total of 182 campers this year, which has been steadily going up for the past 3 years that we have been working with them.

I am so very happy to have a good worker, Kenneth, who headed up many different crazy games. The teens loved it, and it made camp so much fun. The different preachers also did a great job of inspiring the young people to live for God. I preached a sermon about saying “YES” to Jesus. I told them that they must actively decide to say yes. If they made no decision, then they were automatically saying no. So, the altar was full of teens saying yes to Jesus. It really was a great time; 15 received Christ, and 7 were baptized.

Then we had Evangelist Jerry Williams visit from the States, and he stayed with us for a month. He is 75 years old, is still preaching great, and is actually considering moving to Uganda. I took him to visit a bunch of churches I have been working with. So, in 4 weeks, we visited and preached in 11 churches and also had 3 small meetings, with each having about 10 pastors. The question-and-answer times with them were really great.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

In His service,

Gregg, Angela, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof

FBMI Missionary Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter Picture