Let me thank you for the many years many of you have faithfully supported our endeavors to take the Gospel to Kenya, East Africa. I think we are now about to see the beginning of a fruitful period in our ministry and a foundation for the future.
It has been and is a spiritual battle, but on June 26, we will be starting Pastors’ Practical Training Academy and, hopefully, have 30 pastors from across the country to start a two-year course of training in what it means to be a pastor. There will be training in correct doctrine and church practice, how to lead people to Christ, discipling their people, and false religions and their false teachings.
My objective is to enable these pastors, through thorough training in various curriculums, such as Foundations of My Faith, Teaching Our People, Teaching All Nations, Answers, Established in the Faith, and other specific teaching, to take what they have learned and lead people to Christ, disciple their converts, and also teach other pastors about correct doctrine and church practice. The situation here is very confusing with many false teachers—some by choice and others because of ignorance and lack of opportunity.
I am very happy to say that we were at last able to purchase a 2014 HiAce 4WD diesel van. This van will carry eight passengers and be able to go to remote areas once it is fitted out. We recently had underneath guards attached, and then we headed for Western Kenya. We were gone for 10 days, visiting the towns of Kisii, Nyamira, Rongo, Kilgoris, Lolgorien, Bondo, and Bungoma. We had a pastors’ meetings in each town as we explained the academy we are about to start. Pastors are now excited about the academy and continue to ask when and how they can attend. The Masai have said they will be sending 8 (Masai speaking), Nyamira (Kisii) 5, Bondo (Luo) 3, Bungoma (Luya) 5, and others for a total of 21. I am hoping that some of these pastors will be key to setting up smaller academies across the country.
Praise the Lord! The HiAce van proved itself worthy. We bottomed out a number of times as we drove into Masai, going up hills and down into creeks and places vehicles are not meant to go. The sound of metal against rock and spinning tires in mud is not good, but we have pastors coming to the start of the academy who otherwise would not have been reached. This vehicle will allow access to them as we commence the various remotely situated, local academies. I am hoping they will come to us more than we will have to go to them in the future once they see the value of the training. Without the initial contact, I don’t believe they would come.
This will be a one-week, live-in training at the end of each month. The accommodation is in place, the mattresses and blankets are being purchased, along with chairs, printed materials, food, etc. Students will need to pay a minor, once only, registration fee of $17.50 and a course fee of $20.00 per tuition week, basically covering the cost of food only. The major cost for most students is their transport to Nairobi (most of the remote pastors will need to pay about $25.00 each way—$50 total). Considering many of these pastors eke out a subsistence living of $1,200 a year, this may be a problem for them. Please pray that they will be able to raise the required funds. If you would like to support a pastor receiving proper training, then please contact me at +254 748 814 206 (Kenya) or send your offering and support to FBMI, who will forward it on to me. I will take the funds and use it for the neediest and most committed pastors.
The weekly Bible study that we have downstairs in the garage under our building, due to the COVID restrictions, has been a blessing. We meet every week on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. We put out the chairs well-distanced apart, have a time of question and answer, and then do a lesson from Foundations of My Faith. Eight students completed the Level 1 course and were rewarded with a certificate and a King James Bible in a zipper cover. They were very happy that they now have a real Bible. We have now started Level 2 and are looking to start another Level 1 class.
Please continue to pray for our health, our protection, and for us to have understanding and wisdom as we deal with a country where money is always an issue and a lack of integrity is acceptable. Also, pray for the upcoming Pastors’ Practical Training Academy; pray that we will have a full enrollment of 30 pastors and students. Finally, pray that the weekly Bible study we have will grow in number and grace.
Thank you and God bless you,
Peter, Melody, and Lindsay Morris
- Pastor Akello doing a good job teaching—he wants to start a local PPTA.
- Four of our graduates with their certificates and their award Bibles
- When a vehicle can go no farther and only a motorbike will work
- Bible study class in the open air in the garage under our apartment building
- Going places where a vehicle should not have to go
- The oldest member of Pastor Wekesa’s church in Bungoma was excited to see the missionary again.
- A few of the Masai church members and pastors
- Masai Pastor Sampson and his small church building—this may be a future sight for the Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA).
- Masai pastor, John Nkome, standing in front of his first permanent classroom for his Christian school
- New vehicle coming up out of the creek in Masailand
- Pastor Ontiti in Nyamira and associated pastors
- Some of Pastor Wekesa’s church members came to say farewell to us
- Pastor Dennis has ten children and six associated pastors he works with who would like to attend PPTA.
- Another remote church that would not be accessible without a decent vehicle meant for the job—praise the Lord!
- Standing outside one of six remote Bungoma churches that Pastor Dennis has an association with