We greet you one more time, wishing that the peace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would flow abundantly in each one of you. (II Corinthians 13:11)
I want to apologize to all for being late with our letter. Our computer broke down, and we tried to fix it without any luck. My youngest brother, who is the pastor of one of the churches that I started in New York, promised to bring me a new laptop when he comes to pick up our mother, who has been with us for several months. I have to wait until he comes, because computers are extremely expensive here.
Since our last letter, we have been holding several activities around the island, such as Family Summer Camp, Vacation Bible School, teaching and preaching on the family, and soul-winning conferences. We have had 92 precious people saved lately, and 4 of those obeyed the Lord in believer’s baptism.
The Lord has really challenged the church with the testimony of Daniel, one of our new converts. The same day he was saved, he came to my office and promised God that he was going to bring his family to church. I thought he was talking about his wife and 3 children, but I misunderstood what he said. He was talking about his wife and children, his parents, and other relatives. The month of July, he was responsible for bringing 13 of his relatives to church. Daniel is on fire for our Saviour. The good news is that the Lord called him to preach. Would you please pray for him? He will be enrolled for the new semester in our Bible college. Please also pray for our 3 other new students: Elias Santana and Angel and Geuris Nuñez, who will be starting their training for the ministry.
In July we attended the “Fuegos de Evangelismo¨ (Fires of Evangelism) conference. Dr. Elmer Fernandez and other servants of God came for this special time of training and the preaching of God’s Word. The Lord really used the preaching to encourage and challenge the pastor and Christian workers to do more for our God. I want to express my deep gratitude to my friend, Pastor Jose Aguero, and all the other pastors from MEBI (Independent Baptist Evangelism Mission) for organizing such a big conference for the benefit of the churches in the Dominican Republic.
I also need your prayers for my health. I will be having surgery very soon. My doctor said that I’m going to need about three weeks to convalesce. After much time in prayer, I have decided to have the surgery done here in the Dominican Republic. Please pray that God would give wisdom to the surgeon, so I won’t have any complications during or after the surgery.
Again, thank you for your prayers and for allowing us to be your missionaries in the Dominican Republic.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the new semester of our Bible College.
2. Pray for the new students: Daniel, Geuris, Angel, and Elias.
3. Pray for my surgery; pray that God would allow me to be back in the pulpit soon.
4. Pray for the church’s growth.
Because Jesus lives,
Andrés and Dora Amorós
Your Missionaries in the Dominican Republic
Philippians 1:6
Que la gracia de nuestro Dios abunde en vosotros para toda buena obra y fortaleza espiritual. (Efesios 2:4-10)
Ante todo quiero pedirle excusas por estar un poco retrasado con esta carta, nuestra computadora se nos daño y tratamos de arreglarla, pero salía muy caro el arreglo. Gracias al Señor mi hermano menor Roberto, quien pastorea en Brooklyn, New York vino al país a buscar a mi madre quien nos estaba visitando y compramos una por medio de el, ya que aquí son extremadamente caras.
Estos meses han sido de mucho trabajo con la Escuela Bíblica de Verano (EBDV) y el campamento familiar de verano, también he estado predicando en conferencia de familia en otras iglesias. 92 personas han recibido a Cristo, y bautizamos a varios de ellos. De los nuevos creyentes que bautizamos esta el Hno. Daniel, quien trajo a toda su familia a la iglesia, no solo su esposa y sus tres hijos sino a su padre, madrastra y tres de sus hermanos y varios compañeros de trabajo, 13 personas han recibido a Cristo porque Daniel los ha traído a la iglesia, Gloria a Dios por el. Por favor les ruego orar por este hermano pues el Señor lo ha llamado a predicar, y este semestre estará empezando su preparación para el ministerio en nuestro Colegio Bíblico, favor de orar también por los Hermanos: Geuris Núñez, Ángel, Elías Santana, todos ellos nuevos estudiantes los cuales empezaran su preparación ministerial.
El mes de Octubre tendré una cirugía para corregir un problema que he tenido por los últimos dos años. Después de orar he decidido hacerme la operación aquí en La República Dominicana, necesito sus oraciones para que todo sea un éxito, tendré que estar casi tres semanas en convalecencia, yo nunca he estado ese tiempo sin predicar, yo creo que será la mayor prueba de mi vida.
De nuevo gracias de corazón, por su hermandad y confianza al invertir en la obra del Señor atraves de nuestro ministerio aquí en La República Dominicana. Gloria a Dios por todo lo que el esta haciendo en la vida de los hermanos.
Peticiones de Oración:
1. Por el nuevo semestre del Colegio Bíblico Bautista del Caribe.
2. Por los nuevos estudiantes: Daniel, Geuris, Ángel y Elías.
3. Por la cirugía que tendré en el mes de Octubre.
4. Por el crecimiento de la iglesia.
Porque Cristo Vive,
Andrés R. y Dora Amorós
Andrés y Dora Amorós
Sus Misioneros en La República Dominicana
Filip. 1:6