Team Indo-Phil Update:  God Is Still Working in DumagueteGOD IS STILL WORKING IN DUMAGUETE!

Since the beginning of our ministry here in Dumaguete, we’ve seen the evident hand of God. That has not changed, and sometimes we recognize what He is doing more than at other times. Lately it has been wonderful to watch the Lord work in the lives of so many people. Our church attendance has steadily increased with the faithfulness of members. Our number of soul winners is increasing, and we continue to see souls saved and baptized weekly.
Please continue to pray for our team and for our church members who are growing in the Lord.

Our Bible college, Hyles-Anderson College of the Philippines, is pushing ahead with a current enrollment of 18 students. We are thrilled to see the tremendous growth in so many areas of their lives. They are not only learning in the classroom, but they are learning to love people in their areas of ministry. We are humbled that we can have a part in the training of such great young people.

Our G.A.T. (Gather and Transfer) Ministry just completed a seven-week program; the winning route will get to go on a dolphin- watching trip with Pastor DeMoville. Our workers did a great job at focusing on different groups of people to bring to church each Sunday. Even more exciting was to see the great Sunday we had just after the program ended, with many saved and baptized.

Living in the Philippines affords us some great opportunities; one of those is access to fresh tropical fruits. We just had a wonderful fellowship after our evening service where we invited all of our church to stay and spend time with each other while enjoying fresh pineapple and watermelon. What a joy to see our people united and happy as believers in a local New Testament church.

We are excited about our annual missions conference that is coming up this September 17-21, 2014. Our theme this year is “Light Your World.” Missionary Eddie Galyean and his wife Barbara are coming in to be our special guests; Bro. Galyean will be speaking several times. Please pray, as we trust the Lord will use this time to call others to full-time service.

Thank you again for your support, both financially and especially through prayer. Only eternity will tell the full impact that we are having, but it sure is a joy to catch the glimpses on a regular basis of the difference in people’s lives because we have come and are serving the Lord by serving these, His people. We love you and hope that you will be able to come and visit us in Dumaguete. God bless you as you labor for our Lord where you are.


One of our young men, Aldrin Martinez, graduated from high school and has gone to a university on the neighboring island of Siquijor to learn the maritime trade. Aldrin was a faithful soul winner while here, and we wanted to be sure he found a Baptist church to attend in his new location. Bro. Morrissey and Bro. DeMoville took a trip with one of our college students to Siquijor for a day to visit Aldrin and acquaint him with a local pastor. What a joy to learn that Aldrin has already led 15 of his board mates to Christ since being there. Please pray for Aldrin while he adjusts; pray that he will not lose his passion to share the Gospel with others.

We are excited that Pastor and Mrs. Wilkerson, along with a group from First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, will be visiting us at the end of September. Bro. DeMoville will be in the States the first part of October. Please pray for the Morrissey family as they take their vacation to the States in November.