Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: Concerned for Their FriendsYour support for missions is being multiplied here in West Africa. Men have been trained and sent out to reach others for Christ. Please pray for these men, their ministries, and their families.

Pastor Collins Agyei

“In June, we declared it a month for reaching souls and spreading the Gospel, resulting in about 100 people hearing the truth about Jesus. We intensified our efforts at the information center to reach more people with the Gospel of grace. I want to update you about Brother Ebenezer, who completed his discipleship lessons and is now a soul winner. Plans are underway to send him to the Bible college. Please pray for God’s protection and direction for my family and our ministry. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God richly bless you all. Our ministry at the Bosomtwe district needs a means of transport and God’s favor to reach more people for Christ.” – Fundamental Baptist Church, Adwafo, Ashanti Region, Ghana [Pastor Agyei graduated from our Bible college in September 2010.]

Pastor Christian Gafatsi

“Glory be to God Almighty! I met Confidence, Wilson, and Gasuie at our gate. They came to find my son, who is their classmate. I used the opportunity to preach the Gospel to them, and they trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They came back after school to continue learning about eternal security, and they requested permission for me to preach at their school so their friends could also get saved. Please keep praying for them as they grow in the faith.” – Fundamental Baptist Church, Sogakope, Volta Region [Pastor Gafatsi graduated from our Bible college in January 2011.]

Pastor Gyasi Boateng

“My wife Anita encountered Ama Amponsah, who sells fresh eggs at the Foase market. After hearing the Gospel, she got saved and attended our church the following day. Please pray for her to grow in her Christian life.

My daughter Janet met her school friend Christina while shopping in town. Janet shared the Gospel with her, and she got saved. She invited her to come to church, and Christina visited and expressed her intention of joining our church soon. Please pray for Christina to find a house near our church and join our congregation.” – Fundamental Baptist Church, Asawase, Kumasi, Ghana [Pastor Boateng graduated from our Bible college in January 2011.]

Pastor Isaac Owusu Ansah

“I visited the Petrensa D/A Government School and shared the Gospel with a Catholic church member named Stella Tetteh, who was initially finding it difficult to believe the truth, but after my teachings, she was happy to know the truth and believed in Jesus Christ for her salvation. Also, she promised to join our church as a faithful and committed member. Pray for her to grow in her Christian life.” – Fundamental Baptist Church, Petrensa, Ashanti Region, Ghana [Pastor Owusu Ansah was reached by our graduates, Pastor Collins Agyei and Pastor Jonas Osei-Owusu. He is currently enrolled in our Bible college.]

Thank you for your support for our church-planting efforts through your prayers or financial support for Adopt-A-Village (#6150), Team Ghana (#6100), or for specific national pastors. Fruit is abounding to your account!
