God has blessed our ministry with the opportunity to preach on two TV stations: GTV, which is Ghana’s public broadcasting station, and Sompa, which broadcasts in our local region. Please allow me to share with you a few of the testimonies from our daughter churches as to the impact these TV programs are having.
Pastor Abraham Subui (Fundamental Baptist Church of Nkwanta)
Atanga (on the right) testified to my wife that he watches the TV program, and I had an appointment with him. He was able to explain the doctrine of salvation to me; he had already gotten saved because of the TV program. I invited him to church. He was able to come to church today. Pray for Atanga to grow in the Lord, as he has started working on the disciple lesson series.
Pastor Kingsley Addai (Fundamental Baptist Church of Mamponteng)
Mrs. Sara Amponfowaa is a soul winner from my church. She heard a street preacher preaching that you have to do good works in order to be saved. So, Mrs. Sara challenged him. There was another woman who heard the conversation, and she boldly told the street preacher, “You’re wrong. Salvation is by faith alone and not of works.” After everything, Mrs. Sara asked this woman, “Who taught you salvation is by faith alone and not of works?” The woman said, “There is a pastor, a white man. He is a pastor preaching on GTV and Sompa TV.” Through that “white man’s” preaching, she had understood the Gospel.
Pastor Gyasi Boateng (Fundamental Baptist Church of Foase)
Yesterday, as I went soul winning, I met a girl named Yaa Serwaa. As I tried to witness to her, I found out that she was already saved! The answers she gave me were on point and very fantastic. I asked, “Who shared this truth with you?” She told me she heard the Gospel from “this man,” pointing to Pastor Speer’s GTV program sticker on their wall.
Pastor Isaac Owusu Ansah (Fundamental Baptist Church of Petrensa)
I tried to witness to Papa Yaw Ankomah (on the left). However, his answers to my questions told me that he was already saved. I asked him where he got this truth, and he said, “Through Pastor Ted Speer’s TV program.” I invited him to my church, and he said he would come. So, please let’s pray for this young man.
Please pray for our TV programs. Pray that more souls will be saved and that more people will be added to His churches throughout Ghana. Also, we thank God that Missionary Larae Hoff has now joined us on the field. Please pray that she adjusts quickly to life in Ghana: https://fbmi.org/missionary/hoff.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Ted Speer
Pastor/Team Leader
- Pastor Subui with convert from our TV ministry, Atanga
- Pastor Gyasi Boateng with convert from our TV ministry, Yaa Serwaa
- Pastor Isaac Owusu Ansah with convert from our TV ministry, Papa Yaw Ankomah