As church-planting missionaries, we rejoice in two days above all: the day we start a new church and the day we pass its leadership over to another pastor. In April 2023, we started a new church in the town of Calera. Although growth has been gradual, God’s blessings have been evident. We’ve witnessed people accepting Christ and some returning each week to hear God’s Word.
Now, a dedicated couple has recently taken on the leadership of this church. Despite months of door knocking and distributing thousands of Gospel tracts, we’ve found no other Bible-preaching church in this town of 38,000 people. Thankfully, we’ve encountered some folks who received the Gospel while in the United States and are now seeking a doctrinally sound church here in Mexico. Your steadfast efforts in reaching souls back home have even made an impact here in the deserts of Mexico. Continue serving the Lord where you are planted, and we will do the same here on the mission field.
Two weeks ago, we ordained Diego Herrera as the full-time pastor of this church in Calera. We will continue to support the church by helping with rent and other special needs. It is inspiring to see Diego and Lucy excited with fresh ideas and a passion for reaching souls. Please keep Diego and Lucy in your prayers as they commit their lives to spreading the Gospel. Please consider supporting their ministry if you feel led to do so. If you wish to make a special love offering to them and their work here on the field, you can send it to their PayPal address (dherrera.missions@gmail.com).
Our online radio station is operational and already has weekly listeners. Our goal is to expand the reach of Christ-centered preaching throughout all of Latin and Central America. We appreciate your prayers for wisdom on the best way to share God’s Word across many Spanish-speaking nations.
We also want to thank those who donated towards the new online radio station. Your giving was crucial in establishing everything needed to get this radio station up and running. The station now broadcasts Bible preaching and Godly music in Spanish 24/7. To God be the glory!
• Pray that God will continue to kindle a burden for lost souls here in Mexico.
• Pray for God’s hand to be upon the new pastor in the church in Calera.
• Pray for wisdom to reach the next generation with the message of the Cross.
His servants by His grace,
Jonathan, Laura, and Wyatt Bryan