Gyasi Boateng Asawase, Ghana
My Trainee Preached to a School
“Paul has been a very faithful church member with much zeal to serve the Lord. Paul started coming to soul winning not long before he joined the church. He goes soul winning with me every week. Recently Paul preached at a school near his home; about 500 students and teachers there heard him preach the Gospel. Paul is an encouragement to me and the ministry!
My wife and I went to an eating place to buy food, and we met a man named Issah Mohammed. I witnessed to him, and he made a profession of faith through Jesus Christ. In my church I have been preaching about honoring your parents, and so far the response I am getting is very encouraging. Praise the Lord!”
Gideon Brought His Brother and 3 Sisters to Church
“Gideon Awuah, one of my church members, is growing in the Lord. This past month Gideon brought his brother and 3 of his sisters to church. They all made professions of faith in Jesus and have been coming ever since.
I met Lydia at her house when I went soul winning. I witnessed to Lydia, and she trusted Christ as her Saviour. Lydia came to church the next Sunday. I have been preaching on future things. The church members are very much interested in the series and are eager to know more.”
“How Can I Show My Appreciation to Christ?”
“I went to a market with my wife one afternoon, and I met a young man with the name Christopher. I witnessed to him, and he trusted Christ as his Saviour. Christopher then asked a question that not many new converts ask. He asked me, ‘What can I do to show Christ my appreciation for His taking upon Himself my sins?’ I told him to preach the message that he had just heard to others. Christopher started coming to soul winning, and now I am training him how to win souls for Christ.
My wife and I visited some friends and invited them to church. They came and trusted Christ as their personal Saviour. I am now teaching on the doctrine of salvation, and my goal is to make my members understand salvation really well and be able to explain it to others.”
My Sister Got Saved
“I went to visit my sister in Ashaiman, and I met another young man at the house. I witnessed to both of them, and they made a profession of faith in Jesus. The man found it difficult to believe the message. He thought just believing was too easy, that something should be added to it. After a couple of hours, he understood the message and even invited me to his house to have a Bible study each week.”
Thank you for your prayers and support for Team Ghana and for our church-planting efforts!