Walter Poole Prayer Letter:  2015 RecapWe wish you a blessed 2016. Thank you for all your prayers, letters, regular financial support, and special Christmas love offerings. Please know that we pray for you too.

Since our last letter, we have had many special programs. In November of last year, we celebrated Straight Road Baptist Church’s 9th anniversary. One young mother came for the first time that night, and as a result, my wife was later able to win her to Christ in her home. She said that was the first time she had heard a clear explanation of the Gospel. We remind our people that our church is not perfect, but God has given us grace to keep the doors open for those who wanted to hear preaching all these years.

Our Christmas Program exceeded our expectations. We are so grateful to Soline Brown of Rochester, Minnesota, for coming personally to encourage us and provide most, if not all, of the gifts and food for that evening. We had well over 100 people, many of whom were unsaved. The best parts of the evening were testimonies by Ms. Brown and Missionary Kounaro Keo. Both of these survived the Khmer Rouge and later were saved, and both are active soul winners. Four adults raised their hands indicating a desire to be saved.

We have started two new initiatives. One is an English-teaching program during the week. Our aim is to attract the unsaved and to help our saved members, as English proficiency will be increasingly useful in ministry, even in Cambodia. The other activity is a weekly gathering of teens for some special teaching geared to this age group.

There were approximately 60 professions of faith recorded in 2015, but professions are not necessarily the same as possession. If ever a parable was applicable amongst the Buddhist or Animist peoples, it is the parable of the four soils. It takes a lot of sowing to find the good soil. While looking for that good soil, we met Michael from the Ukraine wandering the streets of Phnom Penh. Amazingly and unexpectedly, we saw him five months later in a distant province. The first time the soil of his heart was not completely ready. The second time he had a greater understanding and called upon the Lord. Please pray for us as we sow and reap.

Our best financial supporter is an elderly Jewish lady from New Jersey. Although she does not approve of missions, she has been generous to us. Because of her help, we had enough funds to take a three-month furlough in 2014, our previous furlough being in 2010. Please pray for her salvation.

Our family is doing well. Our children are a mix of three cultures—American, Indian, and Cambodian. We do not know the path they will take in the future, but surely God has a plan. However, there are many issues and roadblocks that will be encountered. Please pray for them.

The Poole Family