We’ve started our first Bible study! It’s been a busy but an exciting time for our family. In February, we spent the entire month moving to a new place, as well as preparing for the 10th anniversary of Living Hope Baptist Church. After our move to Port Macquarie, we wasted no time in starting the Lord’s work and began our first Bible study on the first Sunday of March. We had 19 in attendance, and we all crammed into our dining room, with some overflowing into the living room. Mindy taught our first children’s Sunday school, as I started on a series going through the Gospel of John. I was able to speak to a man named Mark, and he was assured of his salvation. What a great start to this great work!
Every week, we’ve had visitors come. They’ve come from all walks of life and religious backgrounds. We’ve had fishermen, landscapers, Seventh-Day Adventists, pathologists, and others. It’s a challenge to answer questions from people seeking answers, but it’s been a joy to dive into God’s Word. Most mornings, when it’s cooler, I get to distribute tracts in our community, sowing the seeds of good news. We’ve invited many people in our community. Please continue to pray for those who’ve received the Gospel.
I feel some are hesitant to come to a stranger’s house, so I began looking at the prospect of meeting in a public place. We’ll still be able to utilise our home for other activities. I’m grateful for the technology and the resources we have. I reached out to a Port Macquarie Facebook group for advice on a place to meet, and in the process, a man was able to find us. He had been looking for a church or Bible study that teaches from the King James Bible. He came that Sunday and has been coming ever since!
We eventually were able to find a public place to meet: Port Macquarie Senior Citizens Centre. It is in a great location, and its facilities are very nice. It has plenty of room as our church continues to grow. We will have our first meeting there on Easter Sunday. Please pray for our services there. Please pray for Living Hope Baptist Church. I’ve had the privilege to preach there occasionally on Sunday nights. We’re excited with what the Lord is doing there and in Port Macquarie. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Our latest family photo
- Port Macquarie Senior Centre
- First Sunday school
- Preaching at Living Hope Baptist Church
- Mark gets assurance of salvation
- Auditorium
- First Bible study at Port Macquarie