It was a packed July winter for our ministry here in Australia! Winter here where we live is probably not what some of you are used to in America. In Port Macquarie, it can get down to the lower 40s at night but get up to a balmy 60 to 70 degrees during the day.
For our first Sunday in July, we were blessed to have a good preacher friend of mine, Pastor Eaj Agatep, preach for us in our service. There are many churches in Australia that are without a pastor, and Pastor Eaj filled one of those needs just recently. Please pray for him and his family as they make this transition.
The following Monday, we travelled up to Brisbane, which is about a five-hour drive up north, to attend a Leadership Conference held by one of our supporters, Good Shepherd Baptist Church. We were filled with great preaching and encouraged by the fellowship with the brethren at the conference. While we were there, we picked up a box of free tracts, courtesy of Southland Press. Praise the Lord! Our letterboxing efforts have been full speed ahead, and we would like to give a notable mention to Mrs. Anger and Miss Kerri, who have laboured every week, trekking up and down the hills of Port Macquarie to get the Gospel out to all these homes!
The week after the conference, we were blessed to have a visit from the young adults of Good Shepherd Baptist Church. We fellowshipped over watching our two states battle it out in a special rugby league game called the “State of Origin.”
We had a very special treat this past month. Mindy’s Aunt Denise travelled all the way from Michigan to visit us! What a blessing this was! This was a nice break for our family. We took her to some iconic places in Australia and were able to show her life in Australia. Please pray for her as she travels back on August 11.
On the last Sunday of July, I had the honour to minister to the young adults of Living Hope Baptist Church and preach at their outreach service in Forster. Please pray for some of the couples there who are getting ready to “tie the knot.” I’m encouraged by the zeal that they have for the Lord. One of the men, Joshua, has even started preaching for the church. God is doing great things here in Australia, and we’re thankful to be a part of it!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Pastor Eaj Agatep Preaching for Us
- I had the honour of ministering to the young adults of Living Hope Baptist Church.
- Mindy’s Aunt Denise flew all the way from, Michigan to visit us!
- I was asked to preach in Forster at the outreach service of Living Hope Baptist Church.
- We got another box of free tracts, courtesy of Southland Press.
- The young adukts of Good Shepherd Baptist Church visited us.
- Preachers at the Leadership Conference