The last couple of months have been a whirlwind of events. There’s never a dull moment here in Port Macquarie, and below are just some highlights of February and March.
One of our church folks has a very interesting testimony on how he found the Lord, and a part of his testimony involves his time being a part of the radio industry. The Lord has truly blessed our “radio man” with a great radio voice. With his background, he has connections with the radio stations here in Port Macquarie and was able to set me up with an interview with the Christian radio station, which is conveniently based across the parking lot from where we meet for church! I was able to talk on air about my testimony and also promote our new church. Please pray that some would be saved through my testimony and consider joining us for church. Furthermore, our “radio man” has a 14-year-old son who wants to be heavily involved in our church. Praise the Lord! He will be involved in our tract distribution, our setting-up crew, our media department, and anywhere else there’s a need.
I would love to say everything is sunshine and roses on the mission field, but we have our moments of discouragement here and there. Through the trials, however, the Lord timely places people in our path to help us. I’ve gotten close to a few pastors here in Australia who have helped me personally in the ministry. The Lord has also sent families from supporting churches to help encourage us in the Lord. The Taylors from Canada, the Riveras from Sydney, and a group from Brisbane all have been a blessing to us by visiting us and exhorting us in the work. Through these divine appointments, we know the Lord is continuing to work in our midst here in Port Macquarie.
In March, we celebrated our One-Year Church Anniversary. Our church had my good pastor friend, Hernan Hullana, with us to preach the Word of God for our Anniversary Sunday. We enjoyed a good old American barbecue luncheon with a mix of other delicious dishes brought in by our church folk. We had a great crowd that Sunday, and we are excited with what the Lord is continuing to do here. Our church is continuing to move forward as we add more opportunities for everyone. We’ve started a Sunday school for the adults and a midweek Bible study and prayer meeting, and two of our men have led the congregational singing and preached for their very first time! Please pray as the Lord continues to grow and guide our church family. None of these things can be done without your continued prayers and support, and we are deeply thankful for you all!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Riveras Visiting from Sydney
- Radio Interview
- Family with Anniversary Cake
- One-Year Church Anniversary
- Taylors Visiting from Canada
- Anniversary Group Photo
- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting