November was a very eventful month for us! As you may know, our church is currently meeting in a tent for our services. On the first weekend, we had a really bad storm come in, and it flooded the grounds of the tent. We praise the Lord that there was no damage to the tent and its contents, and we were able to have church in our house! It brought back many memories to the first days of our church plant.
We had many birthdays in November. Mindy and Elin celebrated their birthdays during the first week, along with my mum and brother. I praise the Lord for a Godly wife! We also celebrated Mrs. Joy Anger’s 70th birthday. She has been such a great blessing to our ministry!
Towards the end of the month, we had a group from Sydney come up to Port Macquarie to help us distribute tracts. They helped us pass out over 5,000 tracts! We have almost reached our goal of getting the Gospel out to all of Port Macquarie by the end of the year. We had a big push one Sunday to pack the tent out, and we had 50 people under the tent that Sunday! Praise the Lord! We had many visitors that Sunday. Last Sunday, we had a couple drive in after the service and asked us about our services. They were looking for a good Bible-believing Baptist church, and they’ve seen our sign and tent in our front yard. They said they would come and visit one day. Only God can orchestrate these things!
Please pray that we find a public place to hold our church services. Please pray for our people here. There are many needs that I can’t mention, but the Lord knows each of them. Please pray for the health of some of our folks in the church. Please pray for our family as we spread the light of the glorious Gospel in a spiritually dark world.
We don’t like to push American traditions in our church, but there were many who wanted to be a part of our family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Who can say no to good American food, right? We had 32 in our house for Thanksgiving!
The Lord has been blessing our efforts here in Australia, and we’re thankful for every one of you who have supported us. Thank you for all the birthday and Christmas greetings! From the bottom of our hearts, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Merry Christmas from the Garry Tingson family!
- Mindy’s 35th birthday!
- Packed 50 in the tent
- Mrs. Anger’s 70th birthday!
- Elin’s 10th birthday!
- Church Thanksgiving dinner
- Flooded out of the tent