August was another roller coaster of a month! We started off the month with a visit from Mindy’s Aunt Denise. Though we had such a great time together, it was now time to say goodbye . . . for now. It was a sad time for the family, but we cherish the memories we made together. We are now looking forward to Mindy’s parents’ visiting us in September.
In Taree, we attended Living Hope Baptist Church’s Missions Conference. We had a great time there, and we were challenged again about what it means to be missions-minded. The message was given by Pastor Gus Battistuzzi, who has recently stepped out in faith and gone full-time as a pastor in Sydney. Please pray for this man of God. At the end of the month, I got to preach for the young adults and the people of Living Hope Baptist Church.
Two months ago, I mentioned that a church had raised money during their VBS for us to purchase more tracts. This past month, we got news from another two churches raising money for our ministry during their VBS. We have been blessed by the outpouring of generosity to get the Gospel out here in Port Macquarie. One of our supporters here in Australia, Good Shepherd Baptist Church, has also just purchased a commercial digital printer to better streamline their ministry in printing tracts and other printing needs. They will be providing their services at a very low cost, if not, for free! Praise God!
At the end of the month, Pastor Jonathan Medina and a group of young adults from his church, Bible Baptist Church, came up from Liverpool, Sydney, to help us with distributing tracts. They were able to pass out over 1,500 tracts on that day. Praise the Lord! We will never know, on this side of eternity, the impact this has made in our community. Please continue to pray that we’ll get the Gospel to every house by the end of this year.
You may recall me mentioning how we were praying for the Lord to provide us with the right place to move into when we were moving to Port Macquarie. Well, the Lord provided us with a property that had a large shed we could use to have church. You may also recall when the Lord provided free pews from another church up North. Well, on the last Sunday of August, the Lord allowed us to meet in that shed for the first time while sitting on those pews. We had a great time!
August marks two years of being on the field for us, and we praise the Lord for this! Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless this ministry.
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Missions Conference at Living Hope Baptist Church
- Saying goodbye is always hard!
- We are endeavouring to get the Gospel out to our entire community by the end of the year.
- Our family is preparing tracts to be passed out in the community.
- On the last Sunday of August, the Lord allowed us to meet in that shed for the first time while sitting on the donated pews.
- Pastor Jonathan Medina and a group of young adults from his church, Bible Baptist Church, came up from Liverpool, Sydney, to help us with distributing tracts.
- We hold discipleship classes on Thursday nights.