Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
We have a departure date set!
God has so wonderfully provided our financial support, so we were able to set a date for our departure to Uruguay. We now have plane tickets for our family to fly out on May 18. As I mentioned in last month’s letter, because of COVID, the way we are trying to get into Uruguay is as students at the language school there. Once we purchased our plane tickets and paid for the first month of language school, we were able to request the Special Entry Permit for our family. I was able to request that, and we should get an answer back by April 7. Another concern now is that with the number of cases of COVID rising in Uruguay right now, they may deny our request. Please pray that if it is the Lord’s will, we will be granted the entry permit so we can depart on May 18.
“What must I do to be saved?”
We had the privilege of presenting the Gospel several times in March. Several of the people reminded me of when the Philippian jailor asked, “What must I do to be saved?” In North Carolina, my wife had the opportunity to lead Ameda to the Lord, and I was able to lead Janassa to the Lord. Janassa was so open to the Gospel and told us that early that morning, she had been thinking about coming to church! I had the chance to give the Gospel to a man during the invitation at a church. He had such a tender heart to the Gospel and accepted Jesus as his Saviour! I also enjoyed the chance to go out soul winning with our church’s Spanish Ministry. That usually motivates me to spend even more time working on learning Spanish! I’m thankful that I was able to meet John, and he got saved as well! Praise the Lord for these four individuals who put their trust in Christ to save them! Please pray that they would follow the Lord in believer’s baptism and begin growing in their Christian walk.
Wonderful Churches
We had seven meetings in March, four of which were Missions Conferences. We started the month in Florida, and we ended the month back home in Wisconsin after being on the road since January. Our van was packed with stuff that we had been given at churches along the way. Some of the items we were given included a new car seat for Emmalynn, school curriculum for the boys, clothing, and toys for the boys. What a blessing! We are also thankful for the five new churches that have taken us on for support. We are thankful for the support of Lighthouse Baptist Church, Open Door Baptist Church, Fellowship Baptist Church, Wick Road Baptist Church, and Sweet Springs Baptist Church.
Working Towards Our Move
We have seven meetings scheduled during the month of April. Most of them are only a few hours from where we live, which will allow us to be home more so we can pack for our move. We have already paid for a place to live near language school in Montevideo, Uruguay. It is already furnished, so our plan is to bring 20 totes, at the most, on the plane with us. Please pray that we will be able to get everything ready for our move. We are so excited about finally being ready to leave!
Your missionaries to Uruguay,
Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, and Emmalynn Simmons
- Christa sang at a church in Florida.
- The gifts a church in Michigan gave to the missionaries!
- Christa with a kids’ class