Fruit from a New Area
In October, we started going to a new area to soul win and invite people to church. We had asked for prayer for God to work in that area. We realize that without God’s help, nothing of lasting significance will take place. But, as we see in Acts 5:38-39, if a work is of God, men cannot overthrow it. Thank you to those of you who have prayed, and continue to pray, for this area. When we first began going to that area, we found many children who were interested in coming to church, but when I followed up with them, I found out that many of them have soccer games on Sunday mornings. Soccer here is basically a religion for many people. Of course, that was discouraging to hear, but we decided to pivot and focus more on inviting the kids to the Thursday evening Bible School since most families are home around that time. The first kids who came on a Thursday evening were Brandon and Vastian. I had the privilege to lead them to the Lord after the service! Afterwards, their mom Janette told me, “Their cousins want to go as well, and soon you might have the whole neighborhood at church!” I didn’t tell her, but that is our goal! Praise the Lord that we are starting to see fruit there!
New Children’s Class
We always appreciate more opportunities to teach and preach in Spanish. Because there are more kids coming to church, the children’s class was split into classes for older kids and younger kids. Christa was asked to teach the class for the younger kids, with the goal of training another young lady to teach the class when she leaves. Christa is enjoying this opportunity to teach God’s Word to these children every Thursday and Sunday. Please pray for Christa and also that the class would grow. I also enjoyed the privilege to preach several times in adult services and in the Bible School in October.
Two Survey Trips
We took two survey trips recently. One was to Sauce, a town north of our city. There are about 13,000 people who live there. We talked to several people there and gave out Gospel tracts during our visit. From our research and visiting the churches that we could find there, we believe there are no Baptist churches there. There is such a great need there! We also visited a neighborhood in the capital city called Villa Española. I wanted to visit that area because I thought it was a very centrally located residential area in the city. The ministry that we are working in now has a main central church, along with several church plants. If I decide to follow that model for our ministry, I think this area may be a good area to establish the main church. There are around 40,000 people in this area, with no independent Baptist church there. Please pray for us as we continue to survey neighborhoods and towns, while working towards completing our Spanish classes.
- Visitors and salvations from new area
- Christa’s new class
- More opportunities to use our Spanish
- Our move to a home in November
- Wisdom in dealing with issues in our permanent-residency application
- Visitors and salvations at the upcoming Christmas program
- Our Spanish classes
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Your missionaries to Uruguay,
Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, and Emmalynn Simmons
- Preaching in the adult service
- Brandon and Vastian¬– the first two visitors from the new area
- Preaching time at camp
- Singing in Sunday school