Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Fruit from a New Area

2022-11-08T16:25:02-06:00November 6th, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Tim Simmons Family|Tags: , |

Fruit from a New Area In October, we started going to a new area to soul win and invite people to church. We had asked for prayer for God to work in that area. We realize that without God's help, nothing of lasting significance will take pl [...]

Tim and Christa Simmons Prayer Letter: Planting Gospel Seeds

2022-04-30T18:10:53-05:00May 3rd, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Tim Simmons Family|Tags: , |

"We're with a Baptist church," I replied hesitantly, expecting her not to be interested any longer. Our family was inviting people to church, and I had just given a lady an invitation, when she asked me that question. With an inquisitive lo [...]

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