TAN Update: God Abundantly Blessed in Guyana!“Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!” (Psalm 31:19)

God abundantly showed His goodness on our recent trip to Guyana, South America. Every detail, He guided and blessed. Missionary Noel Shrivnauth hosted a four-day Teaching All Nations Training Conference, with five area churches participating. The groundwork was laid for a Bible institute to begin in September of 2024.

We were also able to teach in a private school, preach in area churches, go soul winning, and serve in various capacities. Our grandson Ethan and John Woosley were an added blessing to the TAN Team on this trip.

The Lord designed for us to meet Dr. Godson. He is from India, has a ministry there, and desires to start a college. He is translating the TAN materials into three different dialects.

Adam, John, and Ethan had the opportunity to travel to the interior and visit with the chief of a village who would like a church for his people.

The people of Guyana are very open to the Gospel. The country has a rich cultural diversity, and English is the national language. We really enjoyed the wonderful meals: Chinese, Indian, Guyanese, and area specialties. One of the ladies taught Robin how to prepare curry and roti. The fellowship each day was precious.

Prayer Requests

• Please pray for the institute starting in September.
• Pray for the finances for trips to start colleges in Kuwait, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.
• Pray about a new area in India that we have been asked to visit in September.
• Pray for the translating of the TAN materials.

Thank you for your investment in the cause of Christ. We covet your prayers and are privileged to represent you on the field.

His servants,

Guyana TAN Team
Greg, Adam, Robin, Ethan, and John