Praying always that you are abounding in the work of the Lord and thankful to be working with you for Him. Your faithful prayers and financial help make this possible, and we are grateful.
One day while soul winning in Santa Lucia, the lady I was talking to, who was a Seventh-Day Adventist, said, “Let’s compare Bibles.” I said, “Okay, go get your Bible.” As she sat down after pulling up a chair for me, I said, “Let’s start with Romans 3:23.” We read Romans 3:23–28. We then compared Ephesians 2:8–10 and Galatians 2:16 & 21. After she had a clear understanding from her Bible that we aren’t saved by works, we finished with the Romans Road, and she received Christ. It was amazing to see that, as I explained salvation in Christ alone, a crowd had gathered, and 2 more of those standing around listening to a clear Gospel presentation received Christ. Three kids on bicycles stopped to listen, and the lady across the street stood on the sidewalk with her daughter and listened. Did they also make a profession of faith? I don’t know, but they did hear a clear presentation of the Gospel. Yes, your prayers and financial support make an eternal difference in the worldwide effort for Christ.
What a glorious month it was for His glory. We saw 13 receive Christ, we explained assurance to 3, we stood praying as 6 received Christ, and we gave out 17 Bibles.
On Wednesday nights, we are teaching basic Bible doctrines to a group of Pentecostal believers because their pastor fell into sin, and they don’t want to attend that church anymore. This is a great example of us having a good testimony in the neighborhood.
We had to delay our survey trip to the Misiones Province because we both fell sick for two weeks after returning from the Mendoza Province, where we helped Pastor Ferrari with his one-year anniversary. The plan is to go at the end of the month. Our first church plant in the Formosa Province has just finished its first expansion and can now seat 30 more. They were able to do this without any financial help from us! We found a new building to rent for the church in Monteros at a 75% discount to the cost of the other building. For two weeks, the offerings and tithes have paid for the rent and the bus. Amen!
As always, our prayer request is for health and safety. Also, our car has a problem that doesn’t want to be found.
In Christ,
Simeon and Susie Hudson