“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 4) The past two months have been a time of rejoicing, as I have seen my physical and spiritual children walk in truth.
August was busy with the DeMoville family on a short furlough in the States, but everyone here pitched in to fill in the gaps. I rejoiced to see young men from our ministry preaching and conducting services who, a few years ago, were lost. Bro. Jomar was nervous as he preached for a midweek service but did a great job as he testified about the difference in his life in the last five years. Today he is a faithful soul winner and leader in our primary church.
My college schedule was busy teaching classes on Malachi, standards, personal finances, and reaching Muslims for Christ. I pray that I can help teach my students truths that will transform their lives.
On August 18, Caleb, my youngest child of six, married Emily Willett in Maine. What a joy to know that all my children followed through on decisions they made to “walk in truth” and are all serving the Lord today. Caleb and Emily are busy working for our sending church and are exploring a future in missions. While I was not able to be at the wedding ceremony, I am very proud of them as they start a new life together. It hardly seems possible that 40 years ago on August 12, I was beginning my married life with Debbie. God sure has been good.
It is always encouraging to see our people and college students walk in truth as they share the Gospel with others. Our church had been praying for an attorney and his wife to be saved; they trusted Christ on a Thursday night during our soul- winning time. I had a fun experience when I took our college students out soul winning in late August, and I personally led 14 college students to Christ. Two of them came to church and were baptized. Our group saw 80 saved that day. On a Thursday night in late August, we went out on one of the very few times it rained while we were soul winning. A total of 46 of us were crazy enough to go out, and we saw 83 saved! I found 4 under a tree in a park, and they all listened to the strange American who did not mind getting wet while telling them how to be saved. Amen! One of our college students was very happy to receive a nice leather Bible as a gift. He “broke it in” using it to preach at a funeral/memorial service and saw 17 saved. Glory! Several of our college men went together to get their hair cut at the barber shop I frequent. It was the end of a workday, and they were the last customers of the day. Our students took the opportunity and led all 4 barbers and the manager to the Lord. Joy!
The DeMovilles returned to us on September 1, safe and sound. During the last week of September, we had 4 Filipino missionary families join us for our Missions Conference, who are reaching China, Vietnam, Madagascar, and Cuba. Our theme this year was “Shine Brighter,” and many important decisions were made as God’s Word was preached.
So far this year, our church has recorded 5,721 led to Christ and 238 baptized. Thank you for partnering with us and for walking in truth during these challenging times before the Lord returns. Enjoy your fall season as you continue to serve our Saviour!
Serving the Master with joy in the Philippines,
Scott Christiansen

Getting ready to preach for a “Teen Takeover” midweek service