The months of September and October were business as usual here at IBC, which means we were very busy around here! Our church hosted the 34th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference on September 24-25. We were blessed to have Pastor John Wilkerson (pictured right), his wife Linda, along with Bro. Stuart Mason and Bro. Billy Paugh. They brought a group from First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, as well. There were also sessions with three of our Bible college graduates, all brothers, who are each pastoring churches here on our island. God blessed, and many hearts were encouraged and challenged. We took well over 1,000 pictures that week, and many were posted online. It was great to see so many of our faithful graduates and their wives and multiple missionary friends who serve the Lord here in the Philippines and abroad.
On October 24, we celebrated our son T.J.’s 7th birthday! My mom and Brandie threw him a “Spiderman” themed party with all of his friends. We are so grateful for T.J.’s life and the fun he brings to our family. He is halfway through his third-grade year of school and made the “A” Honor Roll this quarter. He loves reading and playing outside with his friends. T.J. and Ava are best friends and enjoy going to Sunday school and Junior Church together. Recently while reciting a memory verse to his grandma, T.J. was quoting Psalm 8:5 but said, “For thou hast made him a little shorter than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” We all had a good laugh!
For two Sunday evenings in a row, 58 souls came to Christ during the invitation at Iloilo Baptist Church—no special promotion, no guest speaker, just faithful members and students who care about lost souls and are being used of God! The Holy Spirit is touching hearts and lives here in Iloilo, and we are so privileged to have a part. You, too, will reap the rewards in Heaven for your sacrificial giving to mission works like this all over the world. What a day that will be!