As you know, I am in the process of assembling a team of missionaries to work across Kenya and the neighboring countries of East Africa. Our team currently has two families plus ourselves. They are working hard on deputation to raise the required support. Both the Richey family and the McDonald family have traveled with me to Kenya so that they are familiar with the need and the opportunity for our ministry. Our intention is to plant a church, start a Bible college, and send out mobile Bible institute teams around the country to teach newly planted churches, grounding them in the faith and developing a culture of soul winning, discipleship, and church planting.
Since our last prayer letter, I have traveled to Kenya with the McDonald family: Bro. Corey, Elizabeth, and their three beautiful children—Corey Jr (6), Annabelle (3), and Marydia (1). The trip was an adventure of a lifetime for the whole family and was a chance for them to gain valuable experience for when they move permanently to Kenya.
Although this trip was geared more towards a survey trip, there were abundant opportunities to preach the Gospel and see people saved. On one occasion, after having our second puncture for the day and being stranded on the side of the road, Bro. Corey and I got out of the vehicle and conscripted our faithful driver Albert to interpret for us. We sang a few songs, and a crowd gathered. We gave out tracts and preached a Gospel message through Albert. In response to our invitation, we saw 18 put up their hands, testifying to their salvation. Mrs. McDonald also did a wonderful job singing in Swahili at a service, which certainly endeared her to her new friends in a very remote part of Kenya.
The night before we left, we had a wonderful night with Pastor Fred Kambuni, who has recently started a new church in Nairobi. It was such a blessing to see this young man, whom I have known as a child, start his own church. He has been under the discipleship of Pastor Jeremiah Bosire Nyagaka, whom I have worked with since 1994. I have seen him grow up, go to Bible college, start a family, and now plant a church. He has built a church of around 70 people, with 28 adults and 42 youths and children. It was a midweek service and a hot night, and we were about 20 adults crammed into a small room, with the remainder lined up outside in the entranceway. It was an exciting night as we sang. They testified to the blessings of God, and we discussed the opportunity to build a great church and how they needed to be careful of false doctrine. They told us that their Sunday morning meeting place was a blessing, but they only had 17 chairs for 28 adults. I promised to buy them another 11 chairs so that every adult had a chair to sit on. They were so excited, and so were we. What a blessing to see a disciple planting his own church and now taking on the role of pastor and teacher. I do not think it will be very long before they will be talking about planting another church and how best to disciple their own converts. Praise the Lord!
Here is a short email from Pastor Fred Kambuni:
“Hi missionary PETER Morris, hope you are fine with your family and all church brethren.Am well with family and my church people.On sunday we had good service WE HAVE PAID our church rent, also our church service of every week is now in our church AMEN.Am glad ,after teaching Summy he accepted JESUS in our church.We are praying for your coming to Kenya for pastors school.Bro Morris we want to open church account to save church money .Am praying that GOD will provide my need to the church.Also pray for me and family .pst Fred
Brother Peter thank you for this help to my family, Mark is on doing well.My church Greater Vision Baptist they have agreed to support me every month with breakfarst .Remember they pay rent 6000 I think is a good start , SO HAVE SEEN GOD IS FAITHFUL.You can see with time this church will support Pastor . Real it is the responsibility of the church to support its pastor, pray church to grow and do that[GOD KNOWS MY NEED].Salute your family, bro Andy and friends in Christ.
yours in word Fred Kambuni,
Pst Greater Vision Baptist Church KENYA”
We praise the Lord for the following among many other things:
• Safety as we traveled across Kenya with the McDonald family
• Raising sufficient funds to build an extra room for Pastor Kennedy Obiko Ototo’s (Eastern Baptist Church) Christian School—he has over 200 students.
• The souls we have seen saved recently
Prayer Requests
• We need used song books that we can distribute to pastors in Kenya. Please call us if
you are intending to dispose of your older song books and would like to be a blessing.
• We need finances for our ministry, as the opportunities are endless but the finances limited. We continue to seek conference meetings to present our ministry.
• We are continuing to seek another two families that would like to work with us and for the Lord in the exciting country of Kenya.
• Pray for more fruit for our labor, including souls saved, churches planted, disciples and workers trained, and national pastors with integrity to work with in Kenya.
Thank you for your faithful support.
God bless you,
Peter Morris
Missionary to Kenya, East Africa
- Broken down on the side of the road preaching the Gospel, 18 called on Christ to be saved.
- Monyero Baptist church – Nyamira
- Monyero Baptist Church building built 2006
- Monyero Baptist Church – pastor and workers
- Mrs. Elizabeth McDonald meeting the ladies
- Teaching the pastors
- Pastor and church members in front of church building
- Mr. and Mrs. McDonald having a conversation over lunch