The Lord uses our soul-winning efforts, and God will use anybody to do it. A few weeks ago, we were out knocking on doors. My nine-year-old son Timothy and his friend Danny (10) usually give out tracts to people who walk by. One of them gave a tract to another kid, who gave the tract to his mother. The mom recognized my name on the tract. She and her family used to attend another Baptist church in the city, where I had preached a couple of times. The pastor in that church fell in adultery, and they and many other families left that church. The mom Yesenia and her children, German and Alexa, decided to come to church and have been coming faithfully the last four Sundays. Pray for the father Alexis, who is not ready to attend church again because of the bad situation at his former church. Although he is still struggling, he told me that he will eventually start attending.
We are looking forward to a furlough in October and November. We still have a few dates available. If you would like for us to come and report to your church, let me know.
We have done some construction projects on the property since our last letter. We have added a gazebo, some swings, and fixed the road that leads to our property.
Thanks for your prayers and financial support. May God bless you and use you.
Osmin Gutierrez
- A 10-foot by 10-foot gazebo for Sunday school
- The swings are insufficient already. The kids love them–waiting room only!
- Our Sunday school gazebo