Praise the Lord! Another church has partnered with us! These past two months went by unbelievably fast. The fatigue that accompanies the continuous traveling from meeting to meeting with no place to call home is beginning to fuel our desire to be in the country where God has called us; however, God’s grace is sufficient! The joy of seeing God’s Spirit work in hearts from meeting to meeting is worth all the minor difficulties of deputation!
We have had the privilege to help in many churches in a variety of different ways. From helping with remodeling, cleaning condominiums, setting up tents for VBS, patching a roof, and many other jobs, we have loved every opportunity to be a blessing. We have also enjoyed being a part of several different ministries. Visiting bus routes, soul winning, and camp revivals were some of the highlights these past two months. I had the great honor of knocking doors with a pastor who has been soul winning in the same area for over 40 years! What a blessing to learn and hear from a faithful man of God!
One experience I would like to reminiscence about is the salvation of a man, whom my friend and I both witnessed the Spirit of God get a hold of his heart. My partner gave a clear presentation of the Gospel, and when it came time to confront the man with a decision to receive Christ, he resisted. He explained his family’s loyalty to the Catholic church and acknowledged that we gave him much to think about. After I concluded that we were about done, my partner put me on the spot and asked if I had anything to add, with the anticipation that I would say something. I was caught off guard, but the Lord stirred my heart to address his need for Christ. Both my partner and I tag-teamed to present the Gospel to him, and God tag-teamed with us by working in his heart. Whatever “ruler of darkness” it was trying to keep him from the Gospel didn’t have a chance! It was a joy to see the changed countenance of one who resisted to one who recognized his need for Christ.
We have been spoiled with God’s abundant provisions! Hearing all that deputation entails from other missionaries, I have prepared my mind like a soldier ready to fight a war; but, so far, God has been fighting all the battles! The van that we have been using reached its 230,000-mile mark about a month ago. I imagined that eventually we would either be faced with van problems that would bring the opportunity to strengthen our faith or we would have to pray our van to the finish line of deputation. Last month God moved in the heart of a dear friend to give us a much newer van with fewer miles! As a soldier for Christ, I am prone to rely on my ability to endure hardship, but God is teaching me to rely on His ability to bring us through hardship!
Please continue to pray that God would financially provide for the many churches that have expressed a burden to support us but are unable to do so at this time. I understand that God’s timing is perfect however long it takes. If the burden comes from God, then He will provide when we step out in faith to prove His burden.
Thank you for your prayers! Please join me in praying for more churches to be burdened with getting the Gospel to the Middle East, as I am working on next year’s schedule. For anyone who would like our family to pray, please email us a picture with your name, church, and location; and we would love to add you to our prayer list.
“But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” (I Peter 4:7)
Missionary #6506