I thank God for allowing me to get to hear new preachers and be challenged in different areas during this deputation journey. April 2-6, I was in Fort Worth, Texas, at a Missions Conference and enjoyed meeting many of their members. On April 9, I was able to visit a backyard Bible Club in Arlington, Texas. On April 10, I was blessed to see folks from my college days in Longview, Texas, and share my ministry with their members.
Easter weekend, God allowed me to go to Detroit, Michigan, and spend time with family members. When we finished Saturday visitation, I had a bunch of extra flyers. A preacher at a previous conference had given the challenge to share with “our neighbors.” My parents and I have done this in my home state, but God kept this challenge on my heart. My niece and nephew live in a rough area, and I felt burdened for their neighbors. So, I asked my 12-year-old niece, who has never been out visiting before, if she wanted to go with me to seven neighbors and give out the remaining flyers and Gospel tracts. She excitedly agreed (just didn’t want to talk), and her stepdad even suggested some neighbors for us to talk to. Many seeds were planted that day, which opened up the opportunity for me to share with my niece that even though her neighbors didn’t want to make decisions that day, we have to keep “watering the seed.”
That Sunday evening, I had the opportunity to share my ministry video with the members in Belleville, Michigan. On April 24, God allowed me to speak with the young people and adults in Warren, Michigan. On April 27 & 28, I was blessed to be in a school again in Saint Robert, Missouri. I was able to speak with the adults and teen girls on Wednesday, while on Thursday I had the privilege to answer many unique missions questions from the Christian school students. The beginning of May, I continued to stay in Missouri. I was blessed to share my ministry with adults, children, and Christian school students on May 1&2 in Pineville, Missouri. On Sunday, May 8, I shared my ministry video with the members in Jefferson City, Missouri. On May 11 & 12, I was able to go back to a school in Galesville, Wisconsin, and talk with the students and members about my ministry. It was so lovely to hear these children asking questions about missions life in Africa. On May 15, I was blessed to share with the members in Sunday school and the main service, as well as “Kidz Chat” in Ashland, Ohio. That Sunday night, I had the opportunity to share my testimony in Savannah, Ohio, and meet other missionaries. On Wednesday, May 18, I was blessed to be in Muncie, Indiana, where I was able to share my ministry and teach the Patch the Pirate clubbers about missions. On May 22, I was in Blountville, Tennessee. I was able to speak with their children in the morning, where I heard many questions about food overseas, and then shared about my ministry with the adults in the evening. On May 25, I was privilege to share my ministry in Walnut Cove, North Carolina, and meet many prayer warriors.
I would like to say thank you for praying for my vehicle. When I left Ohio, the service light came on, and the engine began making a funny noise. Praise the Lord, I was able to find a mechanic in North Carolina who could fit my Mitsubishi in and take care of the problem. On Sunday, May 29, I was blessed to share my testimony in the morning service with the members in Leicester, North Carolina.
I’m to see what God is going to do this summer through Christian camps in Alabama and Texas, Vacation Bible School in Florida, and many more unknown plans. Thank you for allowing God to continue blessing through your prayers and financial giving.
- Available mechanic
- Visitation with my niece
Prayer Requests
- Wisdom while planning meetings
- Continued safety during travels
In Christ,
Larae Hoff
- “Patch the Pirate” Clubbers
- Visiting with My Niece
- Chapel in Saint Robert, Missouri