Keith Baker Prayer Letter: Our Return to the Field Needs Your Assistance in PrayersShould everything go according to how the Haitian government has outlined the future calendar for her citizens, Theresa and I will be allowed to return to St. Raphael on August 11. We have been advised by both Haitians and Americans not to return to Haiti until the schools are open. Schools, with some working format, are supposed to commence on August 10.

Haiti, like America, has made a multitude of decisions in 2020. Without getting into particulars, some recent state decisions are ungodly. Therefore, we are asking for your assistance in prayer in the following matters:

1. Personal Evangelism – We will not have the former accessibility that we previously enjoyed.
2. Teaching – Neither teaching in the Christian school nor the Bible seminary will be as commodious as before.
3. Next Church Plant – What area would the Lord have the next church plant?
4. Students and Staff – Pray that the seven men we are training for the ministry and our Haitian church staff would “lose not those things which we have wrought.”
5. Personal Safety
6. Internet Restored
7. Water-Purifying System – A problem with our water needs to be corrected.
8. Strengthening of the Existing Ministries
9. Wisdom/Discernment

We appreciate your attention and prayers for the above. We are very grateful for your faithful financial help.


Keith and Theresa