Keith and Theresa Baker Prayer Letter: Health UpdateGod has been so gracious in allowing us to be of use to Him. It was an honor to serve Him for many years in Haiti, and what a thrill it was to see souls saved, churches planted, and lives changed because of the Gospel. In December 2022, our ministry was redirected to the Bahamas, and the Lord allowed Theresa and me to impact lives there, specifically among the Haitian people on the island of Abaco. We have learned that in our 70s, there is still a work that we can do.

As aforementioned, my wife and I are dealing with some health challenges. Because of limited medical services on Abaco, we are getting the medical treatment that we need in the States. We are so thankful for the doctors and other medical personnel who have assisted us. On September 5, I had a heart procedure, and I believe I am recovering effectively. I am very grateful that my strength is returning.

Since there will be another medical undertaking with me in three months, I believe it is wise, at least temporarily, that we remain in the States for observation, treatments, and follow-up appointments.

We have an open door to relocate to a prophet’s chamber in Florida and minister to the accelerating number of Haitians arriving there. In Florida, we will be ensured the proper attention of any medical concerns.

Thank you for your prayers for our ministry, and thank you for your prayers as we continue to recover.


Keith and Theresa