Thank you so much for praying for the trip I took to Brazil. As the Field Service Coordinator (some mission agencies call it a Field Director), I work with the FBMI missionaries who minister in the Western Hemisphere. In that capacity, I communicate with them mostly via email, via text, and sometimes via phone. I also try to take trips to see them on the field. This was the case with my trip to Brazil. I had never visited the missionaries in Brazil, so I was very glad to visit all three of the FBMI missionaries living in that country.
My first stop after flying into Sao Paulo was to visit the city of Taubate. Dave Whitmore, who works with the Ed Johnson and Dan Johnson families, was my host for the four days I was there. I was able to preach to the men on Saturday and then at the church all day on Sunday. A couple of men were witnessed to, but I am unsure if they got saved. Below are pictures of (1) the men with Dan Johnson and me, (2) Brother Whitmore interpreting for my message, and (3) the congregation. I was able to go out soul winning with Dave and witness to some people. Missionary Keith Putnam and his family were at the church ministering while they finish up language school. They are planning to start a church in another part of the country.
My next stop was with Missionary Juan Vallejo, who ministers in Sao Paulo and a small village where they live. The two pictures on the far right are of (4/5) the Vallejo family, along with Dave, Jonathan, and me. I was able to preach at both churches. I had only met Juan and Amy a couple of times, so this was a wonderful three days of ministering together and fellowshiping.
My final stop in Brazil was to the city of Salvador, where I was with Missionary Wes Palla. This was the first time I had met Wes and his family in person. I had followed his ministry for years but had never seen his work. I had a very informative three days getting to know Wes, seeing what God was doing in this city, and listening to Brother Palla’s vision for the area. Missionary Leland Johnson and his family work with Brother Palla.
God brought me home in time for our annual Faith Promise Missions Conference. Pastor Joe Brown had me preach on missions all day the Sunday prior to the conference. He then asked me to preach all day on another Sunday while he was out of town. I have included the links below if you want to hear one of the messages I preached:
I was scheduled to be in Guatemala in September, but that trip got canceled because Missionary Angel Lopez got COVID. Please pray that Angel heals completely and for both of us as we try to reschedule the meetings for later this year. The most important prayer requests I have are for God’s power, for God’s guidance about the trips I take, and for God’s protection.
Your servant,
Missionary Evangelist James Belisle
- The congregation in Taubate, Brazil
- The Vallejo family, along with Dave, Jonathan, and me
- Bro. Whitmore interpreting for my message
- The Vallejo family with Dave, Jonathan, and me
- The men I witnessed to in between Dan Johnson and me