Our deputation trail continues on, as we prepared to travel long distances in the month of March. Our first meeting started with Calvary Baptist Church in Crestline, Ohio. Then we went to Punta Gorda, Florida, to meet with the man who was my pastor when I was growing up in Australia, Sherwin Ramos. It was a sweet time, as we had not seen each other for more than a decade. He is now a missionary to Paraguay. Please pray for him and his family as they seek some support here in America. Port St. John was our next destination to be with Victory Baptist Church and their Missions Conference. From hot to cold, we travelled to Toronto, Ontario, to be with Metropolitan Baptist Church and their conference. In between, we got a little break from driving, but we were back at it the next weekend as we travelled to Minden, Louisiana, to be with Minden Baptist Church. From there we travelled to Wallingford, Connecticut, to be with Heritage Baptist Church’s Missions Conference. In the month of March, we travelled a total of 6,045 miles. We praise the Lord for every church that we visited this month. They were all so kind and generous to us. Please pray that the Lord would see fit for them to support us prayerfully and financially.
During our travels, we have had a lot of different soul-winning experiences. One unique experience was going tract distributing with Metropolitan Bible Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario. I was amazed at the amount of people that came out for soul winning. I would say that more than half the church came out that day. It was a very cold winter day, and with the wind blowing, it made for an even colder day. We went to an intersection just down the road from the church; I would say it was about a mile away. We passed out tracts to people as they crossed the streets, got off the public buses, went shopping in the local stores, etc. I used to say that it’s easier to give a tract and witness to people in a public area because they can’t slam the door on you, but this time it seemed like it was just as hard. In the area that we were in, there were a lot of Filipinos who were Catholic, and there were also a lot of Jews. I’ve never seen hearts so hardened in my life. Please pray for people’s hearts to be softened there in Toronto.
We would like to welcome Metro Baptist Church of Belleville, Michigan, as our new supporter in the month of March. We praise the Lord that we were able to make it to our meeting with them despite the forecasted ice storm that night.
Please pray for us in the month of April. We still have quite a lot of travelling to do. We will still be travelling to Winthrop, Maine; Hagerstown, Maryland; Del Rio, Texas; West Plains, Missouri; Kniman, Indiana; Jackson, Michigan; and Melbourne, Florida. Please pray for travelling mercies. Please also pray for my family as we travel. Deputation can be tough on them, but we know the Lord will bless our efforts. Please pray that we fill up the rest of our calendar with meetings. Thank you for your prayers and for your support.
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson