What a blessing it is to be back home in Lima, Peru! We appreciate so much each of you who prayed for us during our recent furlough to the States. We had a truly blessed time there as we spent time with family and friends during the holidays. We also had a chance to be in several of our supporting churches, giving a report on what God is doing here in Lima. We are so thankful to each church and pastor who invited us to speak. Thank you for the love offerings, kind words, and your friendship to us.
In San Gabriel more than 60 people have trusted Christ since our last prayer letter. We were excited to hear how well things went while we were on furlough. Bro. Paul did an excellent job keeping things going and preaching in the Sunday morning services. Bro. Avila taught a six-week series on the family on Sunday evenings while we were gone; many families were helped. We were also pleased that the young people maintained the Youth Ministry and Children’s Ministries and even brought visitors and had souls saved during this time.
We have been thrilled to see God’s hand of blessing on the church as we look back over the year 2014. When we consider the souls saved, the families who have been brought back together or strengthened, the spiritual growth in many teens and young adults, and the personal blessing of seeking Christ first, we can’t help but rejoice in God’s goodness to us! Now we look to 2015, asking God to bless our ministry as we seek to plant more churches in South America, continue to grow the church in San Gabriel, conduct more in-home Bible studies, and strengthen the families here in Lima with the truths of God’s Word. All of this can only be done through the power of Christ working in us. Please pray with us that God’s will would be accomplished here in Lima, Peru, in the year 2015.
As always, we are thankful for your prayers and support. May God richly bless you!
His for souls,
Zach and Karin Foust, Zachary, C.J., and Logan