Moving Quickly!
I just realized the other day that you all are due another prayer letter from us. The year goes by so quickly! So much has happened! The church continues to grow! It’s great to have others in our church who are also burdened for souls and faithfully come out with me to witness for the Saviour. Exciting reports and weekly blessings are taking place. Thanks for your continued prayers.
Souls for Jesus
Our year has seen an increase in the salvation of souls so far! Already 62 people have bowed their heads and trusted Christ for Heaven. Recently we had the privilege of baptizing 2 people who had trusted Christ since the beginning of the year. So far, 32 people have visited our church. God is so good!
A Testimony
For years I would see this man John as I was out soul winning downtown. As first, he didn’t acknowledge any interest in the Gospel, but one day he stopped me and shared that he would be coming to our church someday. On Christmas Day, he walked into church and has stayed with us since. In January, John trusted Christ for Heaven, and he was baptized in deep water in April! Thank you for all the praying and helping us through the years so that we could be used by Jesus to help John, who is staying with us and loving what is going on.
Over Twenty Years!
As the years go by, the ministry gets sweeter. Let me encourage every servant of God to stay at it during the tough years. God will bless you if you keep at it. It’s wonderful to realize that our oldest son has just completed his sophomore year at Hyles-Anderson College, and our second oldest is going there in the fall. God is giving us so many opportunities here and abroad to be a blessing to so many. Being a missionary is a wonderful life. There is so much to do—never a dull moment. Life is full and exciting. Thanks to you, since this is a team effort. Your help and prayers have kept us going through the tough times. They propel us to move forward and to ensure that your prayer and financial investments will bring eternal rewards. May God bless you, and thanks again.
Yours for souls,
The Solt Family
Dave & Mary Beth, Daniel, Joshua, & Jeremy