There is so much for which to be thankful as we press forward in our work for Christ. It’s a joy to know that Daniel and Joshua are doing well in their studies at Hyles-Anderson College. Both are hard at work on their bus routes on the weekends, leading souls to Christ and inviting people to church on Sundays. It’s also a joy to hear how Hannah Neilly is doing as a missionary trainee in Africa. Hannah attended our church for over three years whilst attending university, and now she is going forward for souls. This week I spoke to Robert Tully, missionary to Brazil. We had the privilege of helping Robert and his family plug into the ministry when I pastored in London. Now they have been in Brazil for over 10 years, and thousands have been saved. God knows what He’s doing.
Souls Added to Your Account
We are excited about the prospects for this year. Already 46 people have prayed and accepted Christ for Heaven. Tomorrow I plan to meet with six different church folks for soul winning. It’s catching on and exciting! Soul winning is always an adventure, and that is no different in England. It’s a joy to have a part in the work of Christ in leading the lost to Him. Thanks to you, our praying and supporting friends, a difference is being made.
The Work Progresses Forward
We continue to repair and update the building here to make it a vital help for the people in this area. Much has been accomplished, and the weeks are filled with plans and ideas. We just take it a day at a time and pray and work. There is so much happening in our world, and I realize that the messages preached need to help a spiritually starved generation of British people. If anything is going to happen, it will take a lot of work and a lot of trust in God. This is what we endeavor to do. Special days are being planned to boost our attendance, and we truly need your prayers.
More Family News
Jeremy played a piece composed by Edward Elgar at a special community concert the other day in front of nearly 300 people. He did an excellent job, and it was exciting to watch him play. He also plays for us at church. Last Sunday night he even played our church’s pipe organ. It’s great to watch our children enjoying the same things that we have treasured through the years. It’s excellent to have our son Joshua contact us at midnight to let us know he’s singing in the choir at First Baptist Church on Sunday nights. I love the old-fashioned way, and it’s wonderful to watch our children enjoying it too—chapel, soul winning, standing for the Saviour! Things are happening! May God bless you.
Yours for souls,
The Solt Family
Dave and Mary Beth
Daniel, Joshua, and Jeremy
Jeremy playing the piano