God’s blessing on our efforts never ceases to amaze me. We rejoice that 396 precious souls trusted Christ as Saviour during March and April.
Thank you all for the many cards and emails wishing me a happy birthday. It’s a blessing to know that folks are thinking of you and praying for you. Ester and our church folks had a surprise birthday party for me. It was very touching to receive gifts from people whom I know have very little money. One of the encouragements in the ministry is the great appreciation and gratitude of the people you serve.
We had our fourth Providence Baptist Academy graduation and award ceremony. God has blessed our school and used it to see people saved and to ground our young people in Bible doctrine.
I was privileged to be the speaker at the annual youth camp hosted by Pastor Gilbert Toquero and Loloma Baptist Church. It was great to preach to such open and receptive young people. Many decisions were made for Christ during the week. Ester headed up a crew from our church to handle the meals. I was amazed at her skill in purchasing the food and supplies, planning the menu, and supervising the cooking for over 260 campers and staff for the entire week. Thank God for a diligent wife and her hardworking crew.
A few weeks ago, we began having church families eat with us in our home after the Sunday morning services. I think that has done a lot to draw our people closer to us and each other. Comments have come back to us that many were so thrilled to be able eat at the pastor’s home. It has also helped a lot with the shyness of many of our folks. God has given us some wonderful people, and it’s a joy to fellowship with them.
I would like to share one of the blessings of the ministry concerning one of our young men. Jayson, one of our academy graduates, just finished his third year in our Bible college. God is using him in a great way. He has a productive jeepney route, is an on-fire soul winner, and is a dedicated young preacher. He has preached on public-transportation buses and has gone several times to the public school he once attended, presenting the Gospel from classroom to classroom. He has gotten his brother, sister, and mom in church. His dad was hit by a motorcycle and died three years ago. He is a tireless worker around the church and an excellent maintenance man.
Our folks and I were encouraged by a visit from Dr. C.W. Fisk. It was great to have him spend time with us and preach for us. A special treat was his meeting with our staff and Bible college students for a teaching and question-and-answer session.
We thank each of you so much for enabling us to work in this truly white harvest. Please pray that the Lord of the harvest would send more laborers.
Yours for souls,
Courtney & Ester Godsoe