Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support. We recently had nine churches vote to take us on for support! God has been so good to us through many ups and downs.
We were the proud owners of a camper for about 2.3 seconds! With approximately six months left of deputation, we felt that a camper would be a good fit for us and help us travel more smoothly. Even the events that had to occur for us to obtain the camper were astounding. In the end, our van is incapable of towing any amount of weight due to underlying mechanical issues that seem to astound every mechanic, and we just live with them.
Having the Lord hand you something and then take it away can be difficult to understand. Through our trial, we met a pastor we never would have met otherwise, and he is now one of our new supporters! Amen! We were broken down on a Wednesday night just an hour before our scheduled meeting. We googled KJV churches from the side of the road and found one just minutes from where we were. To our surprise and relief, he answered—this was 5:00 on a Wednesday evening! He agreed to allow us to park our camper and extended an invitation to join them for their midweek service. We decided it was best to reschedule our meeting and stay there for the night. God used us to encourage that pastor to restart his soul-winning efforts. A few Sundays after we were there, they had a teenage young lady get saved.
I had a very exciting time out soul winning in Lubbock, Texas. It was pushing 100°F that day, but God gave us some cloud cover. Corey Jr. and I were knocking on doors with little success. We saw a teenage boy walking down the sidewalk, and I invited him to church. I took that opportunity to ask how sure he was that he was going to Heaven when he died. He was not sure but wanted to know. About 20 minutes later, he called on Christ to be his Saviour! A few houses down, there was a man named David who was in a driveway. David’s girlfriend lived at the house, and he was only there to fix her car. God planned on us meeting that day because David was ready to get saved. Growing up Catholic, David knew of God, but he had never trusted Christ. He did that day.
The reports that I am getting from my team members in Kenya are very exciting! The church they are working with in Nairobi is having a Fall Program. Many of the members are going out visiting and inviting friends to church for the first time. Some of them are learning how to win someone to the Lord. The children’s church is also seeing a lot of growth. The first Sunday, they had about 18; and now, just a few weeks later, they have had over 50. There is so much work to be done, and we are very excited to come alongside them and do our part.
Prayer Requests
• Pray for my knee (partially torn ACL); physical therapy and surgery are needed, but the timing is poor.
• Pray for the rest of our support to come in.
Fellow servant for Christ,
Corey McDonald