Thank you very much for your prayers and support over the past two months. It is obvious that our wonderful heavenly Father has heard your prayers.
We started Sunday night and midweek services in October, and the same group that has been coming faithfully on Sunday mornings is beginning to come faithfully for the other services also. The Lord has given us several visitors, and those who have come without the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour have left with Him! Many have been saved in our soul winning.
Toward the end of October, after a long time of futility and shortly after you got my last letter requesting prayer for a place to live for Pastor Aguilar and his family, the Lord provided a wonderful place with His fingerprints all over it. They moved out of the church building the first week of November, and we were able to start the remodeling and expansion of the auditorium. As of the date of this writing, it is almost complete. Now we need you to pray for the Lord to fill it up.
I am very humbled and grateful to serve such a generous and gracious heavenly Father and to serve such gracious and generous churches. I asked prayer for the funds to buy a good, dependable, used van to serve a team of workers with next year in helping new churches get started. He has provided a little more than what I had hoped would come in.
One of the hardest parts of my work is that I fall in love with a new church and the people thereof and then I have to leave. Next week I will have to make a trip to the border, and then I will be in San Luis Potosi for Christmas and in January. (I will still be able to go to Queretaro on Sundays.) I will need to talk with Dr. Luis Ramos to be sure of what He wants for next year, and I will need to buy the van, as well as take care of other necessary things.
Prayer Requests
1. The power of God on the new church in Queretaro
2. The Lord to put the church-planting teams together for next year
3. Wisdom and the Lord’s blessing on the relationship with Dr. Luis Ramos
4. Wisdom with the purchase of the van
Again, thank you very much! I am praying for you also and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas after a very difficult year.
Sincerely yours for souls,
Chris Sage