What a wonderful God we have! He is able to work all things together for good, even in the crises we have faced recently, and He has opened a great new door of opportunity!
It seems people have been more open to the Gospel. The Lord has given me 32 people who have made decisions to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour over the past two months.
We are still under restrictions here in Mexico; but Pastor Ramos thought we could look for a place to rent and take care of some of the details of the new church, so I arrived in Queretaro on May 23. We still have not been able to find a place to rent, but we have started services on Sunday mornings in the pastor’s house. We have a lot of work to do. Please visit https://fbchammond.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/FBMIStaff/EQkE-MUaibpEjp6c9z6NawQBrPu_aL0LVMvbsUvj3l5WEQ?e=s3ftk0 for a video update.
By the grace of the Lord, I was able to have a nice talk with Pastor Ramos about the church planting and several good follow-up conversations. He wants to start 12 new churches next year and asked me if I would be interested in serving a team of workers. He would like to have three or four teams, with each team spending three to four months at each new church plant. This plan has been delayed a little because of the pandemic, but he still wants me to serve a team and help churches get started in the meantime. (My title would be “Team Leader.”) There is a lot of responsibility in serving a team, and I desperately need your prayers for that.
Another very helpful and essential tool would be a van. It would have to be a Mexican vehicle. I have done some checking with a man in the church who sells vehicles, and I could buy a good used Chevrolet Express Van for around US$20,000.00. Please pray for this special need. If the Lord would put it on your heart to help financially, it would be put to good use for the cause of Christ in helping churches get started and in seeing people come to the Lord.
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for the power of God on the new church in Queretaro and for a place to meet.
2. Pray for the power of God on the Anniversary and Evangelistic Campaign in Chihuahua in August.
3. Please pray for supporting churches to increase their support and for new churches to take me on for support. The need for personal support will increase as I serve a team, and I will not be able to come back to the USA to raise more.
4. Pray that I will be able to buy a good, dependable used van.
Thank you very much for your prayers and faithful financial support. It is a great privilege and honor to be one of your missionaries. I am praying for you also.
Yours for souls,
Chris Sage
Missionary to Mexico
PS. In the process of writing this letter, the Lord has already amazingly provided the first $5,000 for the van!