The new year brought a new work with a new church plant in the city of Chihuahua. I arrived on January 22, and God has been doing some great things here. I enjoy very much the schedule of soul winning and visitation 25-30 hours a week. The Lord has given us multiple visitors to the church each Sunday I have been here! I preached on the way back to San Luis Potosi on December 16, and the Lord gave us 4 baptisms! It was a big step for each person. I also have the privilege of teaching the adult Sunday school class, which has a good attendance, and I am able to touch on subjects more delicate for the pastor of the church. I will be doing a series on stewardship, preaching our first Missions Conference, and doing a series on pastor-church relationships. I have started by teaching on prayer.
The Christmas Season was full of wonderful blessings also. The weekend of December 23, I had the privilege of visiting a new church I have been able to help in the city of Guadalajara. They were meeting in a public park, but with your help, we were able to get them into a nice location. They have had good attendance and decisions since then. I was also able to visit the dear folks in Pastor Murillo’s church in Guadalajara and be a part of the Christmas party at the children’s home. It was wonderful to see everyone again!
In early January, I was invited for the anniversary of the new church plant in Angamacutiro, Michoacan. The Lord gave a wonderful two days of soul winning, attendance, and visitors in church. I was able to preach in a small church nearby on Sunday, and the Lord got wonderfully involved in many ways, including a new visitor who was wonderfully saved. I have rarely sensed God’s presence and power like that Sunday.
March 18-23, I will be visiting the city of Casas Grandes in the state of Chihuahua with a pastor from the United States, with the hope of eventually starting a church there. It is about four hours from the city of Chihuahua. We will have services each night, with the hope of getting a core group together and starting with one service each week.
Prayer Requests
1. Growth of the people and church in the city of Chihuahua with the power of God; to see souls saved and baptized
2. The new church plant in Casas Grandes, Chihuahua
3. Increased regular support (currently at 80%)
Yours for souls,
Chris Sage