James Adjabeng is one of our recent Bible college graduates. He now serves on our church staff as an evangelist. One of his jobs is to help me train more soul winners. For our team update this month, I would like to share with you James’ testimony:
I moved from the Eastern Region to work for a company in Kumasi. I was earning money so that I could go to college and fulfill my dream of becoming an accountant. On August 28, 2011, I attended Fundamental Baptist Church International for the first time. That day in Sunday school, I heard the Gospel and trusted Christ as my Saviour. As I continued attending, I heard wonderful truths from my Sunday school teacher, Brother Micheal Sakyi, and my pastor, Dr. Ted Speer. After just a few weeks, my heart was pricked. I began to think of eternal things. I gave up my dream of becoming an accountant so that I might invest my time and my life into God’s business.
I decided to become an effective soul winner. I attended the soul-winning training classes. I listened to the audios and videos Pastor Speer had made about soul winning. Gaining confidence in knowing how to lead a lost soul to Jesus Christ has helped me overcome my shyness. By the grace of God, I boldly say that I have now won hundreds to our Lord Jesus Christ. One of the happiest moments of my life is when I witness a lost soul placing his or her faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation from the Lake of Fire. In addition to learning to be a soul winner, I enrolled in our church’s Bible college.
In the company that I mentioned earlier, I met a hardworking and beautiful lady named Patience Serwaa. I found out that she involved herself in evangelism, even though she believed that doing good works would save her. One day I preached the Gospel to her, and she placed her faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. I invited her to church. After seven months, she showed up to our church. A few days after that, I went to Brother Charles Osgood to seek advice about dating a new convert. Brother Osgood told me that I should be patient with her but also work hard to disciple her. I was patient, I worked hard to disciple her, and we started dating! I thank God that on 8 December 2018—just four days before my Bible college graduation—Patience and I were married.
Thanks be to God for all the missionaries who decided to come to Ghana to do God’s work. May the Almighty God continue to bless these missionaries and their families.
Please pray for James and Patience. He desires to start a church in the Eastern Region. Pray also for the Osgood family, whose prayer letter we are highlighting this month.
Yours for souls,
Ted Speer
Team Leader