Last year was a wonderful year for A.W.B.M. Since returning to the Philippines in 2015, our focus has been on helping to train, facilitate, and support Filipino pastors and missionaries, both here and throughout Asia. Though limited in our overseas travel, we were able to visit two new countries and missionaries in India and the Middle East. We have also been able to help establish a RAN (random-access nation) Bible college by providing them with Teaching All Nations materials. Since last summer we have been working closely with my brother-in-law here at Mt. Calvary Baptist College to schedule classes and develop a four-year curriculum. That has been completed, and I am now also teaching weekly in MCBC. Churches here continue to invite me to preach for them, and it is a pleasure to continue to do so.
Pictured are some Bible college students learning through the TAN materials in a RAN. Also shown are some members of Messiah Baptist Church on the island of Mindoro, which has implemented the Foundations of the Faith discipleship lessons and will be baptizing 11 new converts next week. Please pray that we have more opportunity to help distribute these materials throughout Asia.
Along with God’s blessings have come some struggles, especially with our health. Old age and the climate have taken their toll on me, and I’ve had many visits to the doctors recently. Asthma and constant sinus problems, along with daily bouts of coughing, have made it difficult for me to speak without hacking or coughing. I have also had neuropathy in my feet and legs for over 15 years, which has now become very painful and annoying. Doctors are telling me that a better climate is what is needed if I want to prolong my life and ministry.
We have accepted this advice and decided to move our ministry back to America. We will be able to continue to do all we have done in the past except teach in the Bible college here and preach in the local Filipino churches. This will be a difficult adjustment, but we will now be available to help in church missions conferences as invitations become available. I am also praying about having some online missions training and programing to be broadcast worldwide.
The college school year ends in March here, so we are hoping to relocate later in the spring. We are currently looking for housing in Michigan and covet your prayers during this transitional time. Our continued work in Southeast Asia is essential and will continue as before except for the college involvement.
Your faithful support has enabled A.W.B.M. to help win and train countless people in Southeast Asia. It is my desire that our work for the Lord will not only continue but expand as I move our base of operation to the U.S. For this to happen, your continued prayer and financial support is essential. Thank you in advance for continuing to partner with us in this endeavor.
Charlie, Kay, and Brianna Vest
- Discipleship training for men
- TAN lessons for preacher boys
- TAN classes for all
- TAN lessons for ladies