Thank you for your prayers and support!
New Converts
On June 27, I was able to witness to a lady named Fausty in Barekuma. Fausty and her husband moved to Barekuma from the northern region of Ghana. They both have a background of idol worship. When they arrived in Barekuma, Fausty began attending a Catholic church. She turned from idol worship to a religion, but she still didn’t know Jesus as her Saviour. Fausty happily trusted Christ and has started attending our church faithfully. (The picture on the right is of Thomas Opoku, Thomas Moah, and me witnessing to Fausty.)
Fausty is very concerned for her husband’s salvation. Whenever she and her husband visit their family, he forces her to participate in the customs of idol worship along with the family. Her husband visited our church on Tuesday for the first time and has indicated he is willing to let us share the Gospel with him. Please pray for Fausty’s husband Kwak to be saved.
On July 4, one of the single adults in our church asked me to witness to his older sister Irene. I was able to share the Gospel with Irene and her husband Daniel, and they both accepted Christ as their Saviour! They came to church with their three children last Sunday. Please pray for them to follow the Lord in baptism and to become faithful disciples of Christ. (The picture on the left is of Daniel, Irene, and their children at church.)
On June 20, I was able to win one of my neighbors named Vivian to Christ. Vivian and her daughters have come to church for several weeks now. Please pray for Vivian to follow the Lord in baptism.
Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
Please pray for our upcoming Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. It will take place August 18-21. Pastor Marvin Smith from Fort Dodge, Iowa, will be our guest speaker. Please pray for God to use this conference to further His kingdom in a mighty way here in West Africa.
Our church is having a week of prayer and fasting to seek the Lord’s guidance and blessings for our ministry and specifically for this conference. It has been a great blessing to unite in prayer with our staff and church members. I believe God will accomplish great things, for which we will give Him the glory!
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- Thomas Opoku, Thomas Moah, and I witnessing to Fausty
- Daniel, Irene, and their three children at church