Since 2008, we have used cars, motorcycles, trucks, and buses of all shapes and sizes to help bring the people to church. Sarah and I have been involved in the truck routes for roughly seven years now, and it brings joy to our hearts to see the people come to church, grow, be encouraged, and want to come back.
Where we live in Hua Hin, my involvement with the truck routes began consistently in September of 2013. There was a private zoo, where a resort and elephant-riding park were being constructed. The manager of the project employed many Karen people who had Sunday as a day off. Our Karen people network well, so one truck area soon expanded into multiple areas. In addition, many Thai friends were invited to come on the trucks through soul winning, visitation, and invitations from different team members and church members.
In total, eight areas were started and maintained in 2013, through the providence of God, by Singad, James, Star, Pong, Myatmin, Peesit, and our family. With the faithfulness of these men, we are blessed to able to say that today in August of 2015, we still have people coming from all eight of these original areas. Our newest area, the Royal Garden, represents area number nine, which was started three months ago.
Specifically, Star and his wife Rain represent and manage one of the two trucks that go to the local Dole plant. They are wonderful people and great friends. Star translates for both the Karen church service and Sunday school. He also leads and coordinates the Karen music. His wife Rain helps my wife Sarah in the nurseries with a wonderful spirit and a love for children. Please pray for Star and Rain, as they desire to have children of their own.
Chad Inman and Family
- Star translating Karen Sunday school
- Peesit with a truck of God’s children
- Rain and Star