Through your prayers and support, Sarah and I have personally seen twice the number of people trust in the Lord to forgive their sins and take them to Heaven through May of this year as we did during this same time period last year. Thank you for your prayers towards seeing the people of Thailand learn of Jesus and grow through Him.
James and I have been visiting two different gas stations where the workers live behind the stations. Week after week, we have seen more people learn of the Gospel and how to be saved from their sins. Overall, 15 people have been saved from these two areas, and 10 have attended church. Please pray that more of them could attend on Sunday mornings. On a side note, James and Tamarlaku are happy parents of baby Joshua. Thank you for praying.
While soul winning together, Kun Singad and I spoke with Kun Black and his wife Jow. Afterwards we talked for a long time and invited them to church. Kun Black has a great desire to learn more English and to grow with God. Every week they have been very faithful to church; they also attend on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. The church family has done a wonderful job of encouraging, visiting, and loving them. Black, Jow, and BJ love their pastor, their teachers, and their church. Please pray for God’s protection and growth.
Another newer church member is Kun Waan. She and my wife Sarah became friends on her first visit to the church. Kun Waan lives all by herself and told my wife that she feels like she now has a close family within the church where she can grow and be encouraged.
Thank you for praying for our family, our team, and our church. We hope and pray God is taking great care of you. Please pray that more will learn of the Lord here in Thailand and that our church and others will continue to grow.
Chad Inman and Family
- Kun Waan and Sarah
- New believers after Sunday school
- James and family
- Brother Black and family baptisms