As missionaries for the Lord in Thailand, it is a blessing to be able to grow in the Lord with our people. Life’s turns and events can trigger peaks and valleys in which we all can be thankful for and learn from. In the past weeks, the Lord has done many great things, which we want to share with you. Thank you for your prayers and generosities towards our family, our people, and Team Thailand.
Our church Summer Program ran March 1, 8, and 15. During those three weeks, our church saw an attendance of over 250 souls. The Karen Sunday school class achieved a new record attendance of 62, and we are now meeting in a newly rented space next door that can accommodate this number in comfort. Thank you for praying. The nursery attendance soared to 40 during the program. Around these times, Sarah and I saw many people be used of the Lord to win and encourage people towards His kingdom.
Before the Summer Program started, a small girl named Nong Nahm, who is the daughter of one of our faithful families, needed to be in the hospital for several weeks from a kidney infection. Her mom, dad, family, and our church prayed for Nong Nahm to overcome the infection, and shortly before the Summer Program began, Nong Nahm was able to return to home, happy and praising God. The following Sunday, Kanee, Nong Nahm’s dad, told us that there was a new area where people needed to be picked up for church. That morning this area overflowed the truck. Since this time, faithful Christians have been coming from this area each week. God answered prayers of this hardworking family, and Kanee thanked the Lord by encouraging more people to attend church.
A week before the Summer Program started, Star and his wife Rain alerted me to some folks who would be first-time visitors to our church. The next morning, 22 people filled my mid-sized pickup truck. We drove a long way, but there were no complaints from the people. They love God and have grown with God over the years of living in Burma and fleeing the country to Thailand. On the way home that day, the oldest grandpa, age 75, and the youngest girl, age 5, sat together in the front seat and sang Christian songs. Our languages are different, but our God is the same. This group has faithfully come to church six weeks straight, and many have been saved and baptized.
Also, shortly before the start of our Summer Program, Khun Pong and I visited a group of Burmese people. As Star and I brought the family into church for the first time (in the paragraph above), we stopped to see if these Burmese people would be able to make it to church. We found the truck waiting in front of their houses with Jack, Khun Pong’s son, and 17 first-time visitors. Praise the Lord for His bringing of these people and for faithful church families.
The Lord used Kanee, Khun Singad, Star, Pong, Jack, James, and others to bring over 60 first-time visitors from the three areas mentioned above.
As always, thank you for praying for us and the ministries here. There is much more to tell, but just know that we love serving here in Thailand and are encouraged to work with other great Team Thailand families. Please pray for the health of our team, our language growth, and the fulfilling of opportunities throughout 2015. We are hopeful to visit public schools this year to relay the story of Christmas.
Chad Inman and Family
- One of the many truck routes that run each Sunday
- New believers
- The family of first-time visitors, many of whom have been saved and baptized
- The family of first-time visitors
- The family of first-time visitors, many of whom have been saved and baptized
- Sarah leading a family to the Lord