The year 2015 marked an incredible missions year in Thailand. We prayed, worked, and watched our church grow. The Lord grew our language skills as a family more than ever. Our team and staff seemed to draw even closer as a unit, although we had always seemed close. Our Sunday school class grew stronger as the year progressed, increasing weekly with faithful, come-every-week people who love the Lord. Pastor Tim Shook outlined the beginnings of a productive discipleship program while focusing on making our church a better place to learn and grow through many means and methods. The Great Commission was advanced through evangelism in the schools and souls saved each week. Sarah and I saw more saved in 2015 through personal soul winning than in 2014. In all, we thank God, and we thank you for praying and giving.
In September of 2015, our need, plan, and path to return to the U.S. and raise our full support was clearly set. This journey of deputation over the next couple of years will result in our returning to Thailand and working with our team and people. God has helped us in so many ways while in transition. We love our people, and they are pulling for us, our team, FBMI, and many of you. I began calling U.S. pastors in September, during the later hours in Thailand (12-hour time difference), to arrange meetings to present our work. Many of you have invited us into your ministry for 2016 and beyond. We are so thankful for your encouragements and are looking forward to being a part of your services.
The years 2016 and 2017 will be exciting times as we connect with many churches and pastors to make decade’s-long partnerships in furthering the Great Commission in Thailand. The need for the Lord is great in Thailand, as people live more simplified lives and are not yet overtaken by the complexities and marketing powers of ungodly influences. Living in Thailand for the last seven-plus years, it is obvious that the power of the Gospel receives a strong response, initiating life-changing motives and resulting in joyous hearts. We understand and desire wholeheartedly to follow God’s plan for us to be beacons for the Lord in Thailand, encouraging people to love God, love others, and reap the benefits of living a life that glorifies the Lord. We also look forward to growing and seeing new followers grow into positions, start new classes, focus on new areas, and begin new churches, regardless of our location. Our plan of weekly soul winning, faithful attendance, study, prayer, and service has remained intact since our arrival on December 7 and will sustain us throughout our deputation trails.
Your prayers are most valuable. Please pray for the safety and success of our family as we arrange meetings and visit ministries. Please pray for the Tim Shook family, the Scott Mercer family, the Randy Shook family, Ms. Shari House, and our national servants, Bro. Sakrapee, Bro. Singad, Bro. Pong, Bro. Black, Bro. Star, Bro. Myatmin, Bro. Peesit, and all of their families. Pray that all involved with the Thailand ministries would continue to grow and see others grow. Our hearts are with those mentioned, along with the many wonderful people at IBC-Hua Hin.
To capsulate this writing, we thank the First Baptist Church of Hammond and their unwavering full financial support of our family for the last 90-plus months, along with their pledge of normal support into the future. May God bless Pastor Wilkerson and all involved for the love given to us. Greater Vision Baptist Church has given us a spiritual home as we headquarter our deputation efforts in the Christian territories of Northern Kentucky. Thank you, Pastor Russ and all of the warm friendly people you pastor. For all of the pastors we are yet to meet, we pray for God’s protection and strength for you and your people. I hope your 2016 is a blessing of a year.
Your Friends in the Lord,
Chad Inman and Family
270-702-3357 or 219-262-2543
inmanstothailand@gmail.com or chadinman@www.fbmi.org
- Day of departure
- Many early to church
- Happy church goers
- Visitation
- Sarah and Rain
- Team Thailand
- A dad and mom saved