This past July God stationed us in Virginia. Our new partners and dear friends at Victory Baptist Church of Nokesville were such a blessing in hosting us for a good portion of the summer. While there, we were able to make new contacts, work the area, and visit new churches with several good responses.
Being so close to Washington, D.C., we were not only able to attend our second COEBA conference, but we were able to work with Pastor Kenny Baldwin in reaching the vast Deaf community in his area by going soul winning, visiting, and blitzing (placing a Gospel door hanger on every door in the area). It was through these efforts that I was able to meet and invite 8 new Deaf people to church; 4 came with their family members, and all 4 Deaf placed their faith in Christ to save their souls.
It was also in July, at the request of Pastor Baldwin and with the enthusiastic approval of both Pastor Wilkerson and our mission board director, that we transferred our membership and made Crossroads Baptist Church our home and sending church. (Please note: We had JUST ordered a large shipment of letterhead and prayer cards prior to the transfer. Please be patient with us, as we will be updating everything soon.)
Even though there were a lot of gaps in our schedule this past summer, God met every one of our needs and increased our support. He is so faithful! We currently have 45% of our support raised and thank God for a busy fall schedule. God is so good!
Honestly, I try to reword the same prayer request every two months. Our desire is to be in Ghana as soon as we can. There are souls who need to “hear” the Gospel in their language. Everyone knows that missionaries need support, but my specific prayer request is that God will guide me as I am calling through an interpreter and scheduling meetings. There is nothing too hard for God. He is able to provide the meetings, grant us the opportunities to share our ministry, and get us there in His timing.
Your co-laborers for the cause of Christ,
The Hall Family
- Saturday Blitz Ministry at Crossroads Baptist Church
- Our family with Pastor Kenny Baldwin