Baraka and Melanie Hall Prayer Letter: God's Hand at Work“For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the work of thy hands.” (Psalm 92:4) God’s business is truly the greatest business in all the world. Last April, we made a trip to Cape Coast. Our friend, Amy Kielas, from Faith Baptist Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, was in Ghana and invited our family and school to accompany her on an adventure to visit missionaries Miguel and Nora Triano. Pastor Triano was thrilled and partnered with a local pastor, Michael Anafo, to host a special three-day Deaf conference. It was such an amazing trip, and after three nights of preaching salvation by grace through faith, our team was able to lead 19 Deaf individuals to the Lord. Glory be to God!

God’s hands have been doing a mighty work with the hearing family members of our church people. We are thankful that our sons were able to participate in another week of SMITE (Student Missionaries in Training for Evangelism) camp, hosted by the Ghana Team. We thank God that this camp gives the boys opportunities and the confidence to share and preach the Gospel. They have taken what they have learned and are now sharing the Gospel with the CODAs (Children of Deaf Adults), as well as teaching a Sunday school class for them. We are also thankful for the Ghana Team joining with us to share a clear presentation of the Gospel in the Twi language with many of the hearing family members of our Deaf people.

We are extremely grateful for God’s hand in seeing 57 Deaf come to a saving knowledge of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, since our last letter, with 5 of them following in believer’s baptism.

In recent letters, we mentioned that we were looking for a property for a permanent home for our church and ministries. God has been at work. After searching and searching, we believe we have found the property that God wants for Hope Fundamental Baptist Church for the Deaf. It meets all of our needs of being centrally located, having enough space for our church and ministries (it has two plots), and being on a main road. The owner wants to sell to us despite having other offers on the table. He likes what we are doing and is willing to wait for us to raise the funds. We thank you for the past 10 years of continued support and investment for our family, church, and ministries. What a phenomenal opportunity this is to make your investment go beyond us and reach and train countless Deaf for generations to come! We need to raise $120,000. Some support has already come in, and we have enough for the down payment the owner is asking for. Please pray with us that we can raise these funds quickly. You can view our video and give on our FBMI page at GOD IS ABLE!

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family. Please don’t stop. We need them. This has been a season that has not been without incidents: a couple of hospital visits, the stomach flu being passed around, and our dog almost dying, just to name a few. God has been so good to heal and protect. Please pray for my wife, as she is preparing for the second school year at Hope Academy for the Deaf. Please pray for a long-overdue shipment that has our children’s schoolbooks and clothes and shoes that actually fit our boys. Our boxes have been stuck at port since March. Thank you for going to God on our behalf.

Your co-laborers for Christ,

Rocky, Melanie, Rocky II, Malachi, Tyler, and Marissa Hall