Roberto Tirado Prayer Letter:  Furlough Blessings


“Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well.” (III John 5-6) We began our six-week furlough two weeks ago, and we have been truly blessed by each one of the four churches in which we have presented our ministry. We have had the opportunity to participate and serve in three Missions Conferences and one Wednesday night service in Ohio and Michigan. We have been warmly received, and each church has been very generous towards us. I have had the opportunity to preach, present our field, and go soul winning. Angela has been blessed by speaking to the ladies in three churches.


We will be traveling to eight more churches in the states of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. Please pray for traveling mercies as we drive to our destinations. Please pray for the faithfulness of our church people back in Santo Domingo; we are eager to return home to begin ministering once again to the Dominicans and Haitians in El Café, Santo Domingo Oeste. I have three preacher friends who are helping our people by preaching for me. Please pray with us for the health of my parents, Ramon (84) and Guadalupe (83), who live in Florida.


Hope Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio, voted us on for monthly support. Just yesterday I received an email from the missions secretary, giving us the good news! Thank you, Hope Baptist Church, for taking us on as your missionaries to the Dominican Republic. We thank each one of our supporting churches for financially and prayerfully partnering with us to reach the needy peoples in the Dominican Republic. My family and I are grateful for your love and compassion for lost souls.

For souls,

Roberto Tirado