Abraham Avila Prayer Letter:  Can I Bring My Mom?Can I bring my mom?

We started promoting a big six-week program in San Gabriel, with Goldfish Sunday being the first promotion. It was really cute seeing the people’s faces as we walked around with Goldfish Sunday flyers. They had no idea why anyone would want to give away a small fish as a promotion. You see, they do not consider a fish a pet. I went with that angle as we continued to pass out flyers and invite people to church.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a group of kids following us. As we started to head back to the church, I approached them. I asked the bigger kid if he had ever heard of anyone having a goldfish as a pet. He smiled and shook his head “no.” I then asked him if he would like to be the first person in San Gabriel to have one. His eyes lit up. I told him that the points would be given to whoever brought visitors, with double points for adult visitors. The main prize would be a fully furnished fish tank. His eyes really lit up. He then asked, “Can I bring my mom?” I smiled and confirmed him that he indeed could.

The church was abuzz as we walked into the doorway. We could see and hear the regular church members talking about the fishes Bro. Foust had in the back room. We walked into the back room and saw little kids hovering over these five-gallon buckets. It was really cute seeing the occasional adult mixed into these groups of gawking kids.

It was now time to start the Sunday school class. The room was pretty full. As I glanced around the room, I noticed one really familiar face. The little boy was here. Not only was he present, it turned out that he had invited his cousins, his mom, and his grandma. They all got saved that morning. He was very excited. He loved the class. At the end of the class, all the points were tallied, and he won. He has been a very faithful young man. Rarely does he come to church alone. He almost always brings a friend or relative. Please pray for Ailton.

How about there?

We were in the process of renegotiating our current rental contract and were getting pretty tired of the shenanigans. The landlords here love to the increase rent yearly, by the hundreds, and really care less if the tenant moves out; they prefer more money over a good tenant. I could tell that my children were catching on as to why dad had that look on his face. I tried really hard to maintain a good spirit. After a while I asked my kids to pray that God not only would direct us to a better apartment but that He would give me more patience.

A few weeks went by, and we were making our way back from San Gabriel. My wife pointed at an area and asked, “How about there?” I already knew of that area and knew that, although it was a really pretty area, it was very, very pricey. Well, a few days went by, and we a saw an ad in the paper about a duplex. We called to schedule a viewing. We were floored by it. To make a long story short, we are now in a nicer and quieter area and are paying $50 less than if we would have stayed in our original small apartment. My family and I are very grateful to God for giving us a bigger apartment. And the best thing about it is that we are much closer to the churches Team Peru has started, especially the one we are currently working at in San Gabriel.

To be continued . . .

I am thankful for praying and giving friends such as you. If it weren’t for you, my family and I would not be able to be here in Lima, Peru. We love you and pray for you often. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family.

I have included links below for more information and pictures of the various ministries of Team Peru (IBI). Please feel free to share them with friends and families who may ask, “Hey, what is Team Peru up to?”


Prayer Requests:

• Safety for our family, our team leader Dan Hubbard, and the other families of Team Peru
• Additional monthly financial support.
• Health for the families of Team Peru.


• We have seen 23 souls saved.
• Sunday school class children are soul winning and bringing visitors to church.
• God has given us bigger apartment.

Thank you once again for your prayers and support.

Your co-laborers to Peru,

Abraham, Fabiola, Marco, Leilani, and Joaquin Avila