A Whirlwind of Events
These past two months have been a whirlwind of events. We hosted our first Pastors’ Workshop in April with much success. Pastors from the surrounding area attended and had the opportunity to attend classes on soul winning, finances, church logistics, church multiplication, and godly music. Many good reports flowed in, and everyone has expressed interest in another workshop. One comment that stuck out for me, as it was stated by many attending pastors, was, “This
Many souls have been led to Christ, either by personal soul winning or through the Kids’ Club. We were able to capture some pictures for you.
One of our team members, Daniel Kokubun, experienced an accident and is now at rest with our Saviour. What a privilege for us to have been able to know him, work with him, and be his friend. Hundreds attended his wake and funeral. I was very impressed with the spirit of the church. Everyone joined the team in celebrating the life of Daniel Kokubun. Please continue to pray for the Kokubun family and his wife Heather.
My parents came down from Chicago to visit us. I had not seen my father for over three years and was a little overwhelmed with joy as I embraced him at the airport. It was a surprise to our children, and, boy, were they surprised! My children have been enjoying every minute with them. We had a great time showing them around the old districts of Lima and also the beautiful countryside outside of Lima. We will truly miss them and the wonderful Mexican dishes my mother prepared during her stay.
Following the Recipe God Has for Their Lives
In my last prayer letter, I mentioned explaining to my Sunday school class the importance of following the recipe God has for their lives. I explained to them that God has a beautiful plan for their lives and all they have to do is listen to Him and read His Word for the “recipe.” I told them that many times people wander around through life aimlessly without goals. I told them to think really hard, make a list of goals for their lives, and then bring them to church so that I could see them. Attached below is a picture of one of them. This 11-year-old girl, Fransheska, made some good goals. Among them, she listed that she wanted a unified family, to be a good wife, to come pure to the marriage altar, and that her future children will go farther than she. I was very impressed with her goals. I told my Sunday school class that all their future decisions should be based on whether or not it will aid them in achieving their goals.
To Be Continued . . .
I am thankful for praying and giving friends such as you. If it weren’t for you, my family and I would not be able to be here in Lima, Peru. We love you and pray for you often. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family.
I have included links below for more information and pictures of the various ministries of Team Peru (IBI). Please feel free to share them with friends and families who may ask, “Hey, what is Team Peru up to?”
Prayer Requests
• Safety for our family, our team leader Dan Hubbard, and the other families of Team Peru
• Additional monthly financial support
• Health for the families of Team Peru
• Heather Kokubun and the Kokubun family
• We saw 35 souls saved.
• Sunday school class children are soul winning and bringing visitors to church.
• We were able to start a Kids’ Club after our soul-winning time.
• Faby had a birthday, March 22.
• Lani had a birthday, April 25.
• Marco had a birthday, May 14.
• I have a birthday, May 28.
Thank you once again for your prayers and support.
Your co-laborers to Peru,
Abraham, Fabiola, Marco, Leilani, and Joaquin Avila
- Out soul winning with Grandpa and Grandma
- Carlos and Luis received Christ during the Pastors’ Workshop.
- My boys out for an evening walk with Grandpa Jose
- Six children received Christ one Saturday afternoon.
- Happy Birthday, Marco!
- Fransheska’s goals
- Faby and the Sunday school class out soul winning
- My parents really enjoyed the Peruvian countryside.
- Marcos seeing Grandpa Jose for the first time in three years