We have had a busy start to the new year at Coastline Baptist Church. This past week we hosted a group from Victoria and New South Wales for Youth Week. There are relatively few churches of like faith in Australia, so it was a great blessing for these young people to be encouraged by the mutual faith of other Christians. We definitely observed the Lord’s working in their lives, evidenced by their desire to seek His will.
Laura and the pastor’s wife go soul winning each week. A few weeks ago, they followed up on Patty, a lady who had been invited to our church by a friend. Patty was reared in a Catholic home but readily accepted Christ as her Saviour when confronted with the truth of the Gospel. She has started coming as faithfully as her health will allow.
Several young people from the area have visited the church in recent days. Another family has also started attending more frequently, and an older couple has been coming to at least one service each week. Although classroom space is limited, the pastor’s wife started a Sunday school class for the ladies a few months ago. This has proven to be a great blessing to the ladies! It is exciting to see the Lord bring new people and to see others become more faithful. Every member has been challenged to distribute 1,000 flyers/tracts during the month of February. Several have participated in similar but smaller challenges in the last few months, again saturating Devonport and surrounding areas with the Gospel.
Some Prayer Points
• Pray for Patty’s spiritual growth, as well as her physical health.
• Pray that those who have visited the church will start attending regularly.
• Continue to pray for Cassandra to be saved.
• Pray for the church to grow and for more souls to be saved.
• Pray that many will participate in the tract distribution and reach their goals.
Thank you again for your ongoing investment in helping us to reach the lost in this part of the world.
Sincerely yours in the service of the King,
Andrew Steers